Love Gets a Taste of Adventure as Venus Transits Sagittarius

From November 15th to December 8th, love and finances get an uplifting boost as Venus transits Sagittarius. Over the next three weeks, we are likely to approach relationships and finances with a lot more optimism.
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Being ruled by Jupiter, this Venus in Sagittarius transit has us seeking love options that take us beyond the usual. Similar to its opposite sign Gemini, Sagittarius doesn’t like being bored. It is for this reason that Sagittarius energy enjoys anything they would consider foreign or exotic.
Over the next three weeks, we may find ourselves attracted to people who are different from what we are used to. For example, if you’re dating and usually seek out a specific type, Venus in Sagittarius energy could prompt us to date someone from a different country, culture, or background.
With Venus in Sagittarius, we’re looking for people that can expand our perceptions. Because Sagittarius is interested in people who offer expansion, this energy propels us to associate with lovers and others that are well-read, well-traveled, and wise.
A Love of the Foreign
Venus in Sagittarius is always looking for new horizons. It’s one of the reasons why Sagittarius loves to travel because it gives them the opportunity to experience something new. Understanding this, this particular transit does have us interested in anyone that can offer us something that we have never experienced before. We are just naturally drawn to people who are exotic, and the traditional or commonplace is not as appealing.
Because of this, the Venus in Sagittarius transit could prompt us to turn our backs on our usual relationships to seek out something that piques our interest. If you’re dating and not committed, then this is fine as being open to people from different cultures, backgrounds, and lived experiences is definitely something that can enhance our lives.
However, for those who are in committed relationships, the best way to deal with this energy is to explore new experiences as a couple. By doing this, we can meet the Venus in Sagittarius’ desire to experience something new without compromising our existing relationships.
Keep It Free
A great way to balance the energy of Venus in Sagittarius specifically for those who are in a relationship is to work on what is called interdependency. Sagittarius energy is not looking for a partner that constantly needs them. Over the next three weeks, we have the opportunity to honor our own selves while also being in relationship with others.
It’s also a good idea to stay away from anything that’s too heavy at this time. While Venus in Scorpio enjoyed wallowing through the darkness and purging to transform, this is way too heavy for the Venus in Sagittarius experience. Instead, keep your love relationships light, open, and buoyant for the best results.
Explore With Me
With Venus transiting Sagittarius, this is a great time to get out and do something new. This is especially the case if you want to meet someone. This energy could make us a bit restless with the usual routines. Instead of coming home and snuggling on the couch, we want to enjoy the company of our partners through new experiences. Perhaps experiencing a Japanese restaurant or enjoying a weekend getaway. With Venus in Sagittarius, our partners are our travel and adventure buddies. It’s always a good time when we can truly enjoy discovering new things with the person we love.
Generous Finances
While we’ve been focusing a lot on love and relationships, it is important to note that Venus also rules finances. At this time, we are quite optimistic about our finances, or at least think we should be! Due to the influence of Jupiter, it is likely that we will want to experience all the good things that money can buy. Also, the fiery element of Sagittarius increases our willingness to take financial risks due to the belief that financial prospects will work out in our favor.
Just a word of caution in dealing with money under the Venus in Sagittarius transit. Enjoy yourself…but with limits. Do your best to avoid excessive spending or taking frivolous financial risks. Gambling should be kept at a low, so that trip to Las Vegas is probably not a good idea at this time…especially if you are not capable of committing to a gambling budget.
So, enjoy your life during the Venus in Sagittarius transit, but just make sure that you don’t bite off more than you can chew simply because you want to live the good life. Remember, after Sagittarius comes Capricorn which is ruled by the planet Saturn. If we don’t temper ourselves during this Venus in Sagittarius transit, we could find that we are reaping what we have sown financially when Venus moves into the sign of Capricorn on November 9th.
Overall, Venus in Sagittarius brings a dose of optimism and expansion to our relationships and finances. We are encouraged to seek out new experiences and enjoy all that life has to offer while making sure not to go overboard with the spending. So, get out there and meet new people, experience new things with partners, and simply enjoy all the goodness that life has to offer.