From April 20, 2022, to January 12, 2023, the asteroid of commitment and marriage Juno transits the empathetic, spiritual, mystical sign of Pisces. Juno transiting Pisces is an exceptional position as it is exalted or at its best state. For a little under a year, we will get to explore what we want in an “ideal” commitment. Expect relationship and marriage wants and needs to center around unconditional love and spiritual connectivity.
It is important to realize that while Pisces and its ruler Neptune have their beautiful, spiritual characteristics, there is also the element of illusion, delusion, and deception to be considered as Juno transits Pisces. Likewise, Juno will retrograde in Pisces later in 2022 which will have us reconsidering our visions of the “dream” committed partnership.
The Significance of Juno in Astrology
Read More »While Juno was faithful, her husband Jupiter was not, and Juno endured mistreatment to maintain the relationship. This is important to remember when considering Juno’s position in astrology as well as its transit through the sign of Pisces because it not only shows us what we desire in a long-term committed partnership, it also reveals what we are likely to put up with in order to maintain a committed relationship.

When Juno Transits Pisces
Now that we have a general understanding of what Juno represents in astrology, we will combine the energy of Juno and commitment and relationships with the energy of Pisces. With Juno in Pisces, there’s a desire for a soulmate or what some would consider a spiritual union. This is going to be a transit where shallow relationships will not endure nor will they apply. In general, people are seeking their spiritual “other halves” in order to connect on deep emotional and spiritual levels.
Some of the major themes of the Juno in Pisces transit include relationships and commitments of a spiritual nature and seeking the ideal or “fantasy” partner, Juno in Pisces energy desires commitments that allow for spiritual evolution, connection with Oneness, and the expression of unconditional love and compassion. It is also important to note that this energy could attract and/or center commitments where there is a victim-savior complex and the willingness to sacrifice the self for a commitment.
Under the energy of Juno in Pisces, this is an excellent time to get in touch with what we consider to be an ideal committed relationship and/or marriage. The energy of Pisces is not just one thing. It is a mutable water sign where everything is also one thing.
This is important to understand during the Juno in Pisces transit as even the most ideal relationship is never what it appears to be. Likewise, Pisces energy is connected to mirroring and reflections, so there is a theme of attracting committed partnerships where we are meeting ourselves in another person…because we are the other…and with Pisces, there is no separation as we are all one.
The Spiritual Ideal in Relationships
However, how does one acquire a spiritual union? Although many of us have a vision of the “dream” commitment, do we have the capacity to bring that energy into our lives? This is going to be a major theme during the Juno in Pisces transit.
Pisces/ Neptune energy embodies the mirroring effect. There is an understanding that the internal is reflected externally. Thus, there is no separation between the self and the other. In understanding this about Pisces energy, ultimately our committed relationships are a reflection of ourselves.
Thus, in order to achieve the ideal spiritual union desired by many, work will have to be done on our own selves. So often we wish and hope for the soulmate and deep spiritual connection of our dreams. However, are we currently holding the energy that will allow for this type of union to exist in our lives?
Likewise, the Pisces/ Neptune is associated with energy and frequencies. If we are seeking a soulmate or spiritual other-half, are we at the frequency to have a high-level spiritual connection? The Juno in Pisces transit will have us considering our own spiritual awareness and whether or not we are capable of attracting and maintaining a committed relationship with a spiritual other half.
Juno Goes Retrograde
From July 25 to October 23, transiting Juno in Pisces will retrograde (move backward) prompting us to reconsider our position on the ideal spiritual commitment. What we may have considered ideal initially may change under the retrograde.
Due to the nature of Pisces/ Neptune energy, some of us may have our idealistic perceptions shaken up potentially through disappointments that knock the ideal partners off the pedestals that we created. However, these disappointments, no matter how hurtful, happen to provide clarity in regards to our perceptions about spiritual commitments, soulmates, and unions.
To be quite frank, the energy of Juno retrograde in Pisces could produce the effect of the dream commitment gone bad. It is the dream girl or boy turning out to be a living nightmare. The superseded twin flame that is not. The ideal marriage turns out to have flaws.
Again, this is not to purposely create strife within our lives. These retrograde periods offer the chance to reconsider our positions on spiritual unions and commitments. This is a great transit for getting real about what a spiritual commitment truly represents to us as opposed to being “swept away” by the idealism, fantasy, and illusion that is often associated with a soulmate, twin flame, and other types of spiritual connections.
Some Precautions for the Juno in Pisces Transit
Due to the nature of Pisces/Neptune, it is important to be vigilant about precautions connected to the Juno in Pisces energy. While Pisces energy can be all-loving, connected to Oneness, extremely compassionate and empathic, and Incredibly sensitive and giving, there are some details that are important to avoid disappointment in connection with the seeking of spiritual unions.
1. Beware of sacrificing the self in order to attract, obtain, and maintain a committed relationship and/or marriage. Pisces energy is known for self-sacrifice, and under this transit, the potential is high for putting ourselves last to achieve a spiritual union. We shouldn’t have to do this. No “spiritually-inclined” partner would want us to do this.
2. Understand the importance of reciprocity within relationships. Pisces energy is so giving that sometimes it can get caught up in unrequited love. This can result in people pouring into others and not receiving anything in return. In some cases, there could be a tendency to either take advantage of or be taken advantage of by committed partners.
3. Finally, beware of delusion and illusion connected to committed partnerships. Pisces energy is connected to fantasy, but fantasy is not necessarily reality. Just because a person appears or “feels” like a soulmate or spiritual connection doesn’t mean it’s so. Energy does not lie, and intuition is the best guide in navigating through the nebulousness of spiritual deception.
If something just doesn’t “feel right” about a partner, avoid brushing off the red flags. It is likely the intuition is correct, and less than stellar behavior doesn’t become acceptable all because a spiritual label is attached to a committed union. Red flags are red flags no matter what type of connection we may think we have with another person.
Ultimately, the Juno in Pisces transit has the capacity to connect us with what we consider the ideal committed relationship. It is important to note that in order to have a spiritual union with someone else Pisces, at its exalted position, reminds us that we must hold this energy for ourselves. If the inner is a reflection of the external, then our committed relationships are a reflection of ourselves.
At its best, the Juno in Pisces transit will help us understand ourselves more fully as spiritual beings so that we can attract and maintain spiritual unions that allow us to deepen the connection to spiritual selves via relationships with others and ultimately with the Oneness of All Things. Because in the end, I am you, you are me, and we are all One.
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