Relationships are tricky. There are a number of people who end up stuck in a relationship with a lot of mind games going on. These mind games can be difficult to deal with, so it’s wise to know who is prone to these behaviors. Otherwise, you can get stuck in a painful relationship right off the bat. Here are 4 zodiac signs who enjoy playing mind games. Read More »
1. Scorpio
Scorpios are quite passionate. However, this can also be slow to warm up to people. The world can be a scary place, and they don’t want to open up too much to their partner at first for fear of getting hurt. They also may not believe that people are able to understand them. Finally, they want to wait until they can trust that their partner is feeling the same way about them before expressing themselves.
This can be frustrating for a partner. A Scorpio may make them work especially hard to prove their devotion. A person may just get tired of working so hard and give up before the Scorpio ever finally gives in.
If the partner can get past the Scorpio’s initial shell, the Scorpio will be loyal and passionate to their friends and family. The relationships can be the start of another roller coaster. This one will typically be more fun, but it’s always a wild ride with a fire sign.
2. Sagittarius
A Sagittarius likes to be challenged. They like relationships that encourage them to grow and learn. If they don’t feel like the relationship is making them a better person in life, they may clock out. This means you need to stimulate a Sagittarius mentally and emotionally.
A Sagittarius also doesn’t like to feel confined in a relationship. Relationships and commitment can be difficult for a Sagittarius. When a person is too clingy (or when the relationship starts to get serious), a Sagittarius may decide to move forward and jump into bed with another person. They may forget to tell the original partner once they find someone new at first (oops).
Not every Sagittarius is a cheater. However, it’s wise not to pressure them too much. Focus on art and deep meaningful conversations. The relationship should move forward naturally in that way. If you become the better half they are looking for, you can grow together.
3. Gemini
Gemini is represented by twins, which makes sense the way that a Gemini can seem to have two personalities. It’s not that a Gemini necessarily means to play mind games. They simply change emotions at the drop of a dime. This can mean they give very mixed signals from time to time.
Geminis are also quite the flirt. This can be frustrating while dating one of them. Even in an exclusive relationship, a Gemini may shoot a beaming smile at someone for a compliment. This friendliness and flirtatiousness is probably a reason you fell for them in the first place, though. Set some clear boundaries and don’t be surprised when you notice them getting friendly with someone. Just because they flirt doesn’t necessarily mean they will do anything, and they’re not doing it on purpose.
4. Pisces
Pisces are one of the most romantic signs. They like to experience affection and love other people back. However, this intense appreciation for romance can cause them to move forward without thinking at times. This can lead a partner on. The Pieces might not realize that they aren’t quite as into the partner as they thought until it’s too late.
A Pisces also likes to help fix other people. After a Pisces realizes this is a bad idea, they may be in too deep. The person may not be the right person for the Pisces, and they will soon have to figure out how to get out of the relationship without hurting the other person.
Since Pisces are romantic, it’s a good idea to jump into the relationship and show them affection. Don’t be afraid to be romantic and vulnerable. Pisces are people who enjoy romance and the people who love them.
Not all people in these zodiac signs play games. You shouldn’t break up with someone simply because of their zodiac sign. However, you should know that these signs tend to play more games than others. In these cases, you should prepare yourself before it leads to a breakup and depression by learning about the person and how to best relate to them. Check your partner’s horoscope to learn more. Heck, you may be someone who likes to play games in relationships a bit yourself. May the best man (or woman) win