No matter your zodiac sign, each of us has a higher purpose that many of us long to achieve. However, not everyone’s higher purpose is the same. Too often, we compare ourselves to others thinking that we are insufficient. However, it is important to understand that everyone’s journey is not the same. Astrology provides insight into the highest callings of each zodiac sign. The following provides reflections on what each zodiac sign is here to accomplish in its own way. Hopefully, it is helpful to all of us as we navigate this experience and seek to fulfill our higher purposes.
Aries-Initiating Courageous Action
For Aries, being the firstborn of the zodiac is an exhilarating, courageous feat. Thus, throughout your life, it’s important that you never allow anyone or anything to extinguish your desire to initiate courageous actions. As the first fire sign of the changeable cardinal element, Aries energy is directed towards change that is associated with an action. No matter how you choose to move forward, it is important that you take action. It should be noted that this is not a suggestion for Aries to act rashly. However, Aries individuals are here to be pioneers. They are here to be first. They are here to move forward without fear. Remember this in the pursuit of your higher calling.
Taurus-Building Upon a Firm Foundation
Read More »Gemini-Becoming the Versatile Communicator
Being Mercury-ruled makes Gemini centered on communicating and relaying messages. As a Gemini, it is important that your mercurial energy is directed so that you can be a versatile communicator and message giver, and receiver. Gemini, you are very aware that you have the ability to be an amazing multi-tasker. In fact, this is one of your greatest assets. However, you are also very aware that it is possible for you to take on too much at one time, and by doing so, you end up diluting your ability to collect information in a manner that is beneficial not only for yourself but for others. As the first mutable air sign, you are charged with the responsibility of gathering information and making sure that it reaches others in your immediate environment. How you choose to do this is important to your higher calling. It is important that you honor your unique ability to gather information and share it with others, and the responsibilities that come with doing so.
Cancer-Creating a Safe Home Base
Cancer, as the first cardinal water sign, a big part of your higher purpose is acknowledging and attending to the ever-shifting emotional realm represented by the moon and attaining emotional security. While many individuals rant about Cancer’s infamous moodiness, this is who you are. Just as there are changes with the lunar phases and moon signs every two and a half days, Cancerians are here to embody the ever-changing platform of the emotional realm. Cancers are here to accept and incorporate the changeability of emotions within its experience while also seeking out a safe space to process emotions consistently. It is for this reason that a major part of the Cancerian experience is forming close emotional bonds and establishing a safe place to do so which is why the home element is important. Home is where we retreat from the external in order to be able to be at our most comfortable. Likewise, if you have Cancer energy, you are encouraged to consider how the mothering experience has impacted you…whether it is your own relationship with your mother, becoming a mother/maternal figure yourself, and/or the exploration of the maternal energy within your family.
Leo-Achieving Heart-Centered Purpose
As a Leo, it is important for you to feel special, and oftentimes this need to feel special is associated with gaining energy from others. One of the best ways to channel this type of energy is to do so from the heart. Leo rules the heart and the cardiovascular system and it is important for Leo to connect its desire to be admired, adored, and seen in a way that is heart-centered. Navigating this experience with a heart-centered purpose allows you as a Leo to feel special while also giving back to the individuals that provide a source of acknowledgment. Likewise, operating from the heart center helps to curtail the idea that Leo is better than others because essentially if it weren’t for the energy from other people Leo would not receive the attention adulation that it desires. Operate from the heart and offer others the opportunity to shine just as others allow you to shine Leo in order to achieve your higher purpose.
Many Virgos are interested in the pursuit of perfection which oftentimes results in a critical perspective of the self and others. Perfection is subjective as it is based on a set of standards that are malleable. Thus, is there really anything such as perfection? If there is, who sets the standard for being perfect? On your journey to synthesis, Virgo understands that everyone is dealing with their own issues, and the critical nature that is associated with picking things apart for flaws reveals that we are all a work in progress…including you Virgo. Because of this, Virgo’s higher calling is connected with the pursuit of wholeness as opposed to perfection. In pursuing wholeness, Virgo allows itself and other people to be who they are without the admonishment that often comes with criticizing flaws and perceived imperfections. Virgo learns that we all have areas in our lives that need Improvement and instead of reaching for a standard of perfection that wasn’t even set by ourselves, instead we can choose to focus on our self-development which can help us achieve wholeness of mind, body, and spirit.
Libra-Harmony & Balance
The Venus-ruled Libra is aligned with the scales and is constantly in a state of achieving equilibrium. There is a desire to have experiences that allow it to achieve harmony and balance. As the second air sign of a cardinal nature, Libra is tasked with the responsibility of making changes that allow for the harmony and balance that it seeks. Just like the symbol of the scales, in order to achieve equilibrium, it is sometimes necessary to add and subtract from an experience. A big part of the higher calling and purpose of Libra is the ability to balance both sides of an issue and overcome indecisiveness through compromise. The element of compromise is so very important within the realm of Libra energy because it offers a resolution which oftentimes Libra finds itself unable to come to due to its desire to be fair and consider all options. By incorporating the element of compromise in the pursuit of harmony and balance, Libra is able to achieve its higher purpose minus indecision.
The Pluto ruled Scorpio is the second water sign of a fixed nature that harnesses great emotional depth with a cool exterior. It is here to embrace all the complexities that are associated with authenticity and transformation. Scorpio often gets a bad rep for what some would say it’s manipulative, vindictive, vengeful character. However, this is just one aspect of the Scorpio character. The sign of Scorpio is one of the only zodiac signs that have several symbols representing the transformation associated with its character. Ultimately, the higher purpose of Scorpio is to evolve, and there is a fixed nature to change because the type of Scorpio change is associated with endings that one cannot go back to. No matter what anyone thinks or believes about Scorpio or Pluto energy, acknowledgment of the shadow part of yourself is imperative to evolution as you cannot move beyond what you refuse to acknowledge. Scorpios have an innate desire to rid itself of inauthenticity in order to be it’s truest, authentic self. This will take you through various stages in life where it is often necessary to let go of who you once were in order to continue your personal evolution.
Sagittarius-Higher Consciousness
With Sagittarius’s energy, there is a desire to expand consciousness through different experiences. Ruled by Jupiter, the desire to move beyond what is personally known is one that is often fueled by a pursuit of what is foreign to the self. As a Sagittarius, you are ever optimistic and bountiful and always seeking truth. However, it is important to understand that truth for Sagittarius is akin to beliefs, and beliefs are subjective as opposed to factual. The higher purpose of Sagittarius is to continue to seek out experiences that move it beyond where it initially begins. This could mean traveling frequently or even moving abroad to a foreign country. For some, this could mean seeking out higher education in order to learn different topics and expand the mind. Others could choose to explore different religions. Sagittarius is called to expand its own consciousness while also understanding that other people have their own journeys of learning what is most applicable to themselves. Thus, what may be a belief for you Sagittarius may not necessarily be a belief for others. As the third and final fire sign of mutable nature, you pursue your higher purpose by maintaining adaptability while seeking higher consciousness through experiences…and allowing others the space to do the same.
Capricorn-Earthly Accountability & Responsibility
As a final earth sign, it seems applicable that Saturn ruled Capricorn with its cardinal energy rounds out the earth sign experience in the zodiac. The ultimate purpose of Capricorn is to ground the concept of earthly accountability and responsibility. We are all here in this physical experience to do something and to make this physical experience worthwhile in whichever way we see fit. As a Capricorn, you are very aware of the responsibilities associated with being here on earth. Capricorn may get a bad rep for its serious nature. However, being here in the physical is important. It is serious, and if there is any sign that is accountable for its physicality, it is Capricorn. Capricorn is urged to honor the fact that it is here in this experience by making concrete plans to conquer its achievements in material form. With Capricorns, there can be an external focus on achievement as this validates your hard work. It is important for Capricorn to remember that your worldly achievements are only as important as what they mean to you personally.
Aquarius-Freedom of Self & Mankind
Although many people want freedom, there is a price to pay for it. It is one of the reasons why in the line up of planets before you reach Uranus, which is Aquarius’ ruler, you have to go through the responsibility and accountability of Saturn. Aquarius, you embody the energy of being aligned with what is authentic and true for you even if it means bucking the status quo. The rebellious nature that is associated with Aquarian energy takes accountability and responsibility…because the lack of accountability can lead to utter chaos. More than anyone, Aquarius realizes that they have to be willing to stand alone if they want to be free. As the third and final air sign, Aquarius creates change in a fixed manner through the unexpected. Oftentimes, there are great changes in consciousness mentally that must occur in order for you as the individual as well as the collective to achieve freedom. It is Aquarius’ higher purpose to be the embodiment of the humanitarian, individualistic yet inclusive energy that you desire for yourself and others.
Pisces-Transcendence Beyond the Physical
The higher calling of Pisces is interesting, and it is often not achieved because of the nebulous and confusion of Neptune’s influence. As the final zodiac sign as well as the last mutable water sign, Pisces’ experience is one of wrapping up the physical to return to Oneness. For many Pisces people, this physical experience is one that they would rather not deal with. Many Pisces resort to escapism through alcohol, drugs, denial, and delusions in order to avoid reality. However, in order to achieve the higher calling of returning to source for once and all and ending reincarnation, it is important for Pisces to gain spiritual awareness of why you are here and the fact that you are wrapping up the worldly experience. Many Pisces are born tired and want to escape the physical. However, Pisces is not meant to avoid the reality of this physical but transcend it. Pisces has the very interesting and often misunderstood journey of completing this physical experience and learning how to be in the world but not of it. Getting off the wheel of life is complex. However, as a Pisces, you have the intuitive guidance within yourself to understand how to end the rebirth and death process and finally return to the Oneness that you yearn for. This, above all, is ultimately your higher purpose.