Today, an “Aries Moon” (“ArM”) sometimes generates excitement. In Western Astrology, this transit occurs in a variety of charts. It primarily interests people in either a daily horoscope, or a natal birth chart. The interpretation of this information hinges upon a variety of factors.
An ArM Happens Every Month
Read More »While the Sun requires about a year to complete its rotation through the entire Zodiac, the Moon travels more quickly. It cycles through every Sun Sign (including Aries) at least once each month. In fact, this tiny lunar orb transits through the sign of Aries for roughly a 48-hour period of time on a regular, recurring basis. Daily horoscopes reflect this progression.
Natal Charts And Beyond
For roughly one twelfth of the population, lunar transits across the sign of Aries hold particular significance. Every month, babies born during the 48 hours of the lunar transit through Aries enter the world. These individuals display the ArM in their natal charts.
In evaluating marital charts, many astrologers consider reciprocal solar and lunar transits quite significant. Sometimes genuine soul mates display this configuration. The lunar transit of one partner occurs in the Sun sign of the other, and vice versa. These rare connections don’t happen very often, but they do provide a lot of zest in some relationships! Reciprocating connections between Venus and Mars also bode very well indeed for an exciting love life.
Interpreting an ArM
While charting an ArM proves easy, interpreting this result involves complexity. It may prove helpful to pay close attention to symbolism. Western astrology attaches a variety of meanings to both the lunar body and the sign of Aries.
The Symbolism of The Lunar Body
Many Western Astrologers associate the lunar body with the unconscious personality traits of an individual. While the Sun may represent the conscious, visible nature, its companion orb appears only at night. It remains quite introspective.
In fact, the lunar body carries strong connotations of deeply held emotions for many people. In Western astrology, this orb frequently symbolizes mothers, sisters, daughters, women in general, and the “feminine” aspect of someone’s personality. Traditionally, in natal charts, the Sun represents paternal forces and the lunar body represents maternal ones.
The Symbolism of Aries
Over the course of many years, a lot of symbolism has attached to the sign of Aries. Most astrologers regard the planet Mars as the official “ruler” of this sun sign. The close association plays an important role in interpreting an ArM.
Aries holds importance as the very first sign in the zodiac. It represents raw, uncontained, primal energy. Consequently, people born with the Sun in Aries may display a high level of spontaneity and vivacity. Astrologers usually associate this sun sign with a lot of energy and, often, impulsive or even chaotic and unpredictable behavior. People born with the sun in Aries frequently display independence bordering on willfulness. They often possess high energy and great ambition to achieve their goals.
Interpreting the ArM Transit
Ancient astrologers linked every sign in the zodiac with four types of elemental qualities: earth, air, water, and fire. Aries (like Leo and Sagittarius) falls under the classification of a fire sign. This designation fits well with the high energy and spontaneity of Aries. Mars, the planet often symbolizing action and decision making in the material world, would feel right at home in this environment! Both Mars and Aries carry a close association with warmth (as opposed to cold), a logical connection for a sun sign considered a fire sign.
The ArM transit presents an interesting situation from an interpretation standpoint. Disparities occur between the symbolism of the lunar body and Aries. Most astrologers contrast the warmth and exuberance of this sun sign with the coolness and introspection of the lunar body. Consequently, lunar transits across Aries involve a bit of underlying tension.
Unique Birth Charts
While everyone shares an ArM appearing in a daily horoscope, only one twelfth posses this exciting transit in their individual birth charts. An even smaller number of people boast both a sun sign of Aries and an ArM. Birth charts vary based upon the time and location of birth, so even individuals with both the Sun and the lunar body in Aries will possess unique natal charts. The position of all of the planets and the location of astrological houses in the zodiac play important roles in most chart interpretations.