Astro Signs: Will You Be on Santa’s Naughty or Nice List?

Santa is making his list and he’s checking it twice and he’s gonna find out which is zodiac signs have been naughty or nice. In celebration of the holiday season, here is a fun, light-hearted look at which zodiac signs will or won’t make Santa’s gift-giving list this year. Some zodiac signs will receive abundant gifts while others will be met with coal in their stockings. Which one are you? Read on to find out if your behavior this year has placed you on Santa’s naughty or nice list. Remember, it’s all in fun and jest!
Aries, you’ve managed to honor your courageous energy in a way that allows you to be the independent owner of your life without being a pushy bully. Even if people got under your skin this year, you took a couple of deep breaths, and you didn’t try to fight anyone. You deserve a big pat on the back for that, Aries because we all know that sometimes it can be hard to not go into warrior mode. Good job on harnessing your energy in a positive way. Santa has gifts for you.
Tsk, tsk, Aries. you’ve been hot-tempered, hot-headed, and you’ve wanted to go to war with everyone. Life doesn’t have to always be a battlefield. The way you’ve managed yourself this year hasn’t necessarily made you look the best. At times, perhaps you’ve even acted like an overgrown child throwing embarrassing temper tantrums all because you can’t get your way. Santa is not pleased. Coal for you.
Oh, sweet Taurus, you’ve been such a dear this year, and you’ve embodied the pleasant energy of your Venus ruler. Sometimes you can be a little stubborn, but for the most part, you have worked hard and done your best to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Since you enjoy material things, you’ll be thrilled to know that Santa has some lovely items waiting for you.
All right Taurus, you haven’t been so great this year. You’ve been bullheaded, stubborn, and just intent on having your way. While you don’t like a whole lot of drama, you can and you did, make things difficult for others simply because you are not willing to be as agreeable as you possibly could. Also, there have been times when you were awfully materialistic. It’s fine to enjoy the nicer things in life, but when you’re materialistic to the point of shutting people out, that’s not so great. Sorry, but Santa says coal for you.
Gemini, it’s always lovely to be near you when you’re using your energy for good. As the messenger of the zodiac, you make sure to connect with everyone because you just simply are so inquisitive and want to know as much as you can about everyone and everything. You really don’t mean any harm. You’ve understood the value and the importance of how to use information when you get it, and you’ve managed to stay out of trouble especially when it comes to spreading information. You’ve just floated along like a little butterfly and graced everyone with your lovely presence. Santa’s got a message for you, Gemini. You’ve got presents on the way to you.
Nope Gemini. No presents for you. There’s a responsibility that comes with being the messenger of the zodiac, you have not harnessed this energy in the most positive manner. Santa is not pleased with your spreading of information, especially the gossip. Santa has watched as you’ve started trouble and then scurry away, and he is not pleased. There’s always next year for gifts.
Cancer, you have been the epitome of the nurturing moon maiden this year, and Santa wants to thank you for all of your kindness and caring by offering you a plethora of gifts of your choosing. There’s no one in the zodiac quite as nurturing, caring, and loving you. You’ve really outdone yourself, Cancer. You’ve created the space that allows people to feel like they’re being seen emotionally, and for that, Santa comes bearing gifts for you.
Cancer, you’ve been quite the emotional manipulator this year, and Santa is not happy with you. Get ready to cry because you are getting coal in your stocking! Santa does not approve of you using your emotional intelligence to get over on people, and while this may work with others, it does not work with Santa. Wipe away the tears, Cancer. There’s always next year to do better.
Leo, Santa knows that you don’t settle for anything less than the best, and because you’ve outdone yourself with your warm-hearted ways this year, Santa has set aside some of his best presents for you! You’ve managed to embody the positive aspects of Leo. You’ve been warm-hearted, courageous, and you have this way of helping other people shine. You deserve the best Leo for your exceptional behavior while still maintaining your regal energy. Enjoy your bounty of gifts.
Leo, you’re going to be upset but, you have earned coal this year for Christmas. Yes, you are the queens and kings of the zodiac, but that does not give you the right to let your ego get ahead of you. He’s been haughty, arrogant, and self-absorbed. At your worst, you’ve even made others feel like they’re less and maybe even stole some of their shine all because you want to be the center of attention. Santa is not pleased with your behavior so coal it is.
Virgo, you’ve been such a wonderful helper this year. You’ve managed to get yourself together and make sure you are organized while also lending a helping hand and being of service to others. You’ve remained humble, and you’ve honored the wholeness of yourself and others. You understand that everything is a work in progress and for that Santa appreciates your efforts. Santa will make sure you get all of those practical gifts that you can put to good use this year.
Welp Virgo, while may you think that have gotten everyone and everything in order, you’ve been a critical mess. Always pointing out what is wrong with everything and everyone is a bit of a downer. whether you insist that you are trying to help, it just doesn’t come off that way. What’s worse is that the critical nature that you are applying to others, could have been used to focus on being a bit more helpful in a kinder way. Sorry, but Santa is not pleased with your behavior. Coal for you, Virgo.
Libra, you have really outdone yourself this year by harnessing the balanced, harmonious energy of Venus. You truly made an effort to seek harmony within yourself as well as within the environments that you placed yourself in. You’ve been a fair mediator and a socially responsible human being. You should be very proud of yourself for how you’ve managed to navigate your relationships in a fair manner, Libra. Santa gifts you all the lovely things that you desire.
Sorry, Libra but you weren’t as nice as you try to put on year, and because of this Santa will not be gifting you much of anything at all. You have a social prowess that Santa would think that you would use for good, but instead, you’ve been quite nice nasty towards. The peace and harmony that you claim to desire were replaced with trouble and drama done on the low. At times, you have even resorted to acting like a mean girl or mean boy and using your social ranking to manipulate others and cause confusion all while wearing a smile on your face. Santa disapproves, no gifts for you this year.
Scorpio, Santa is well aware that having Pluto as your planetary ruler is a tough assignment, but you’ve managed to harness this energy in the most transformative way this year. Because of this, Santa grants you all the gifts that you desire. It takes a lot of maturity to handle Pluto energy in a responsible way, but you’ve managed to do it. You’ve learned how to live and let live and avoid using your stinger even when perhaps you were provoked. Becoming the Phoenix is not an easy job, but Santa sees that you’re really trying your best to harness your Pluto energy in the best way possible. Good for you.
Well, Scorpio since you wanted to use your stinger left and right this year Santa says no gifts for you. Yes, being ruled by Pluto is a tall order, but Scorpio, you have to learn how to control yourself in a manner that doesn’t end up in destruction for you and others. Being emotionally manipulative and using power and control in subversive ways takes you away from the path of transformation. You may be mad at Santa Scorpio, but your stinger doesn’t work on Santa. Coal for you.
Sagittarius, you have really harnessed Jupiter energy at its best this year, and for that Santa offers you all up of the gifts and joy this holiday season. You’ve managed to share your optimism with the world and you continually seek new and exciting experiences while expanding your perspective and mind. Everyone that has come in contact with you finds that you are just a joy to be around and for that, you deserve all of the holiday wishes and joy could ever desire.
Sometimes Sagittarius your ruler Jupiter can give you too much of a good thing, and you take too much of a good thing and run with it causing lots of trouble. You can be a smooth talker while also being preachy and unreliable. What’s sad is that people get drawn into your optimism only to find that they are dealing with a smooth-talking con man who won’t stick around long enough to make things right. But that’s okay Sagittarius because Santa has made his list and he’s checked it twice, and he’s decided that you will not be getting any goodies this year. Cole for you.
Capricorn, Santa knows how hard it is to have Saturn as your ruler. You are always expected to be the responsible, accountable one. You’ve managed to do so without building your power and control over others. Yes, you know that you’ve got the upper hand sometimes because of your well-earned positions, but you’ve managed to create a lot of order and structure for not only yourself but also for everyone else. Santa has seen your good deeds and for that, you have earned all of the Christmas goodies that are coming your way this year. Good job Capricorn.
Capricorn, Santa says that you should know better especially since Saturn is your ruler. You have not been the most forthright with how you’ve used your positions of power to get ahead this year. You have been very cold-hearted, manipulative, and strategic for your own advantage and downright stingy to your subordinates. Santa is not pleased with your behavior especially since of all the signs you are very aware that you reap what you sow. Capricorn, what you have sown this year due to your behavior is a stocking full of coal.
It’s complex being ruled by Uranus, Aquarius, but Santa is very pleased with how you have managed to navigate to yourself this year. You’ve had a lot of pressure with Saturn being in your sign of Aquarius really asking you to hone your radiant energy and a concrete way. You’ve managed to be the visionary while also allowing others to have their own perspectives and beliefs. For that, Santa wants to give you those unique gifts that enable you to continue to let your freak flag fly.
Aquarius, just because you are the rebel of the zodiac doesn’t mean that you have the right to do whatever you want. Santa says that you have not been harnessing the energy of the Saturn in Aquarius transit in a responsible manner. You’ve been rebellious just to be contrary, and instead of offering magnificent insights that can really motivate yourself and society, Aquarius you have left behind a lot of Chaos. So, for this behavior coal is your gift this holiday season.
Pisces, Santa is so pleased that you’ve harnessed your empathetic compassionate nature this year to help yourself as well as others. They can be hard to see, feel, and experience everything, but you’ve managed to give of yourself while also making sure that you establish firm boundaries. Instead of running away from your problems, you have taken the time to really sit with yourself and use your intuition to navigate in a way that affirms your experience. Santa is proud of you, Pisces. Abundant heartfelt gifts await you.
Oh, Pisces. You have been an enigma of Illusion this year and all is not what it appears to be. You know more than others that nothing is really hidden. So, it should come as no surprise that you have been naughty and not very nice. The deception of others and even more sadly of yourself is quite troubling. Your decision to avoid issues through escapism continues to cause issues. Escape from yourself if you will, Pisces, but you will not escape from the naughty list and the coal in your stocking.