
Finishing the Meal Off: The Best Desserts to Serve on Easter

With Easter so close at hand, if you’re hosting, you should be gathering together your recipes, making lists, and heading out to shop for ingredients. But if you still find yourself scratching your head about desserts, not to worry, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best desserts to serve on your Easter Sunday.

1) Chocolate Malt Nest Cake

Nothing says Easter like a nest full of colored eggs! Although this looks like a work of art, this nest, made from frosting, isn’t just for decoration; it’s for consumption, feeding 10-12 people. But only after a bit of work in the kitchen; you’ll need three and half hours (or even overnight, if you can, for chilling) from start to finish to put this one together, which involves not only baking the cake, but also cooking the frosting. The ingredients used are all standard, although you do want to be sure to get unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa, as natural cocoa powder is not comparable and will not yield the same results. This particular recipe is a bit extensive and may not be for novice bakers, but as you can see, the results are stunning and well worth it!

2) Easter Bread

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