Whether you’re a homebody Cancer or hyperactive Aries, here are the best ways for each of the 12 signs to get fit and feel their best.
Your Sun Sign Fitness Horoscope
1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Like your fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius, you were born pre-equipped with an abundance of energy and drive. As the youngest sign of the zodiac, you can certainly commiserate with high-strung, easily bored children! Even when you find yourself stuck at home you try to stay busy, and this gives you a natural head start when it comes to getting in shape. This month try adding some structure by planning your bursts of activity in advance, which will help you feel more on track and headed towards your goals.
You just adore the comforts of your own home, Taurus, and the gym is probably the last place you’d like to be seen. You prefer to be surrounded by good people, better food, and overall welcoming vibes–you are, after all, ruled by Venus–so you need a fitness plan that aligns with your pleasure-loving m.o. Dancing, cooking, redesigning your space, and otherwise engaging on an organic, tactile level will keep you looking as sumptuous as you feel.
3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
The highly sociable twins hardly need any convincing when it comes to being out and about, and you’re probably in better shape than most, Gemini. You’re an active person by nature, your curiosity and love of interaction taking you all over the map. In fact, you’re probably used to being told to sit still, rather than get up and move! Just remember to rest and take care of yourself between bursts of activity, as you certainly don’t want to be slowed down by fatigue or illness.
4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Like Taurus, the celestial crab is proud of their personal sanctuary, and isn’t likely to venture out unless there’s a good reason. Ruled by the moon, Cancers tend to be shy, introspective creatures, and self care is very much a part of the crab’s routine. Activities such as yoga and meditation allow you to keep your body’s temple in peak shape without sacrificing your need for inner calm.
5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Ambition drives the lion in all things, from work to relationships to yes, even personal health. While some may accuse Leo of being vain, self care is simply part of the lion’s natural-born order; neglecting one’s self sends a message to others to stop caring as well, and that simply won’t do for Leo. You’ve been pushing yourself doubly hard this year, so be sure to break up the rigors of your workout with Taurus-worthy “treat yourself” time.
6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
You work so hard in life, Virgo, that you often forget about yourself. Seasonal colds, flus, and aches often befall your sign, and stress is a common–if unwelcome–companion. You don’t necessarily need to purchase a gym membership or adopt a grueling fitness plan to keep your mind and body in shape–in fact, the more organic and enjoyable the activity the better. Try to make time for walks, hikes, and excursions that will keep you moving in a way that doesn’t feel like just another chore on your long list of tasks.
7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Like your fellow Venus-ruled Taurus, you belief that fitness shouldn’t be at odds with the finer things in life. Libra abhors anything that eschews beauty and harmony, and that sentiment applies to staying in shape as well. While sadly there are no workout programs centered around champagne and fine art (that we know of), Librans can still reap the rewards of a healthy, active lifestyle by keeping their social calendars booked and full of activities that will nurture their well-being along with their sensibilities.
8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Let’s be blunt, sex is probably the exercise of choice for the sensual scorpion, and this sign never feels healthier or happier than when they find themselves in an exciting, trusting relationship that allows for all areas of pleasure to be explored. However, there are other ways you can stay in shape, Scorpio, regardless of your romantic forays. A natural dancer, you love expressing yourself through movement and music, so why not take that a step farther and see what your talent brings to your wellbeing?
9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
You won’t find the average Sag at home on a Saturday night–or any other day of the week, for that matter. The sedentary life just isn’t for the astrological archer, even if their activities aren’t specifically designed with fitness in mind; Sagittarius just prefers to have some fun while staying fit. You’re in your element outside and where there are adventures to be had, so don’t be afraid to fill up your calendar with physical activities like rock climbing, hiking, and sports.
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
As with Virgo, hard work is a crucial part of your personality and life course. It’s not that you don’t want to make time for exercise, but need to feel like real progress is being made as opposed to just going through the motions. In other words, your fitness regime needs to be purposeful and, even better, provide you with a valuable skill. Running, hiking, and activities that require a higher degree of self discipline (such as martial arts) are all in line with activities that not only keep you fit, but are time well spent.
11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
You’re more disciplined than most when it comes to keeping fit, Aquarius, and hardly find the physical and dietary requirements of staying healthy an unreasonable compromise. You understand cause and effect when it comes to how much or little exercise you get, the foods you consume, and maintaining peace of mind by tuning out or into outside drama–in many ways, you’re well ahead of the curve. So why not inject some joy into your impressive, almost military-like dedication by inviting others to join you? You’ll no doubt be an inspiring motivator, whilst allowing yourself a chance to relax and engage.
12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
The oldest and arguably most intuitive of the zodiac signs, Pisces shares Libra’s sensibilities when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle: if it doesn’t feed the soul and/or provide a feast for the eyes, what’s the point? It’s not that the sensitive fish is lazy or unmotivated, despite a proclivity for various “crutches” that cushion them from the harsh realities of life. Rather, Pisces needs to feel like their wellness regime is as fluid as they are, and able to adapt to their ever-changing moods, emotions, and pursuits.