Have you ever known someone that was constantly quitting jobs? Are you yourself someone that looks at your resume and is in awe of the number of jobs that you have held within the last five years? Well, there are some astrological signs that are more predisposed to changing jobs. They’re simply some people who have no problem with saying, “I quit.” The following is an overview of the signs that are most likely to quit a job.
Read on to find out more about why some people are more likely to throw up their hands at a job instead of holding down and staying put for job security.
Read More »Before we go into the various signs that are most likely to change jobs, let’s discuss why some people choose not to stick with certain jobs. In the past, many people were taught that we should just find a job and stay there for as long as we possibly can. The ideology may have worked many many years ago when there was great job stability. However, times have changed, and many people are discovering that job security and company loyalty to its employees is a thing of the past. Because of this, there’s less motivation for many people to remain at a particular job if they know their employer is not even invested in them for the long term.
Other factors for why some individuals may choose to get rid of a job is because of flexibility. Some people simply don’t like a rigid work schedule. There are some individuals who enjoy a repetitive, stable work environment while there are others who work better in spurts. Working in spurts allows individuals to work during those periods that provide the best productivity. Then there are some other people who simply don’t like being told what to do. Whether this is perceived as being hard-headed, rebellious, or the dislike of being micromanaged, some people just like working independently. It is for these reasons and many more that some people are more likely to say goodbye to a job that they no longer want. Understanding this is important to provide a different perspective as to why some people don’t choose to commit themselves to stable employment even when others and even society states that they should.
The Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Quit
The following is an overview of the zodiac signs that are most likely to quit their jobs and an explanation for why they choose to do so.
Everyone knows that Gemini loves to multi-task, and they love being able to communicate with different people, places, and things. So, if Gemini is ever bored at a job, get ready for them to leave. This is not to say that Gemini can’t sustain long-term employment. This isn’t the case at all. It’s simply that Gemini requires a significant amount of stimulation in order to remain in any one place for an extended period of time. Doing the same old thing over and over again with no new information, no growth, no exchanges, is to be quite honest, just too boring for Gemini. This is just not the type of environment that Gemini is able to thrive in. If you would like to keep a Gemini happy at a current employer, the best thing you can do is offer them a variety of different things to do. Keep them busy. If they’re able to run errands, go outside, visit associates of different departments, or assist with different projects, these are excellent ways to keep Gemini engaged so that they don’t feel the need to throw in the towel.
When Gemini realizes that a particular job is just not for them, they waste no time looking for something else. With all of their connections, Gemini usually has no problems finding new employment making it that much easier for them to not stick around at a job that doesn’t engage them as much as they desire.
When an Aquarius decides to leave a place of employment, it’s usually because something or someone is stunting their freedom. This is the one sign that doesn’t like to be forced into anyone’s limited thinking, ideas, beliefs, attitudes, etc. Aquarius would rather be aloof and alone than put up with a whole bunch of people in order to go along to get along. In fact, this is a sign that it is most likely to benefit from doing some form of freelance work. Because Aquarius is ruled by the erratic planet Uranus, they typically enjoy work that requires a lot of mental acuity and expands the mental umbrella. This is the one time where they’ll be able to stay in a position for a length of time because they have the mental stimulation and exploration that is required to keep them engaged in employment.
Ultimately, freelancing is an excellent way for Aquarius to navigate employment. In this way, Aquarius can come into a particular employment situation, do the work required of them, get paid, and then leave after completing the work. Freelancing allows Aquarius to do the work it desires while maintaining its distance…which it actually prefers.
When it comes to employment, Libra is likely to throw in the towel because of indecision. As an air sign, Libra often struggles to make a choice because they fear that they will miss out on something better. This is a sign that will take a job but hold out for another job if they feel that there is a better option on the horizon. Some would say that this makes Libra unloyal and skittish, but Libra doesn’t think that they should say settle for a job that they really don’t want if there is a possibility that there is a better one out there. Some would say that Libra should just hold out for the job that they really want, but this leaves Libra with no job at all which is something that they don’t want. So, they would rather take the less adequate job as a filler until the job they really want comes along. Yes, this can seem pretty selfish. However, in the end, Libra is focusing on what is best for itself and whether or not an employment option is suitable.
Libra also enjoys socializing, so there must be some room for Libra to engage with others on the job in a significant manner. Thus, work environments where people are closed off from one another are not the best choice for Libra. Also, unless there’s a lot of earth energy within Libra’s chart, they don’t do well with doing the same thing over and over again.
When it comes to Aries, they are likely to leave a job if they are being denied their independence. Remember, Aries is number one, so they are really best off working for themselves. This is definitely an entrepreneur, boss energy. Thus, taking orders from other people may not suit Aries well. If they do decide to take orders from a superior, it would have to be someone that they respect, and the orders would have to make sense to them. Otherwise, you may see Aries packing up their desk and heading for the door never to return. Because of Aries’ fearless nature, they are not afraid to quit a job. If they happen to have some earth energy in their chart, then this particular Aries will know when their time is up at a particular job. They will look for another job ahead of time to avoid any financial distress caused by gaps in income.
Ultimately, Aries quits jobs because they need their independence and autonomy. If a job provides the space that eliminates possible micromanagement and offers the ability to be active in some way, Aries may be able to stay where they are. However, Aries will always desire to be the boss and have control over themselves because they are first. Aries can also be quite competitive on the job, so they will not take well to other people doing better. The desire to “one-up” people in order to receive recognition is a possibility. Ultimately, if Aries feels dissatisfied it is best for them to move on and maybe even initiate self-employment.
If you think that you are going to make Pisces feel bad about their performance on the job, you’re wasting your time. Pisces has no problem with swimming away from a job that they don’t really like. Of all the signs in the zodiac, this is the one sign that could care less about anyone’s money. This sign has one foot on earth and the other foot is in the spiritual realm. They understand that money is important, but they enjoy money for what it does and what experiences it provides as opposed to earning money for status or likeability. Ultimately, Pisces is the sign that needs a job that feels right to them. They are the types that can’t stay in very competitive environments because many of them do not care about competing with anyone…unless the Pisces has significant Aries placements.
Pisces also is not really great with fixed schedules due to its mutable nature. If Pisces is not interested in a job anymore they could leave in several ways. Some Pisces will give the required two weeks’ notice. However, others will simply ghost their employer if the job means nothing to them, or if the employment experience was a particularly negative one. Some people would say that this behavior is immature and disrespectful. Welp, Pisces may agree…or not. Either way, Pisces will leave on its own terms, and if that means ghosting, then that is what Pisces will do. Pisces may not feel that they owe anyone an explanation for why they left a job that wasn’t suitable for them.
Ultimately, these are the signs that are most likely to throw in the towel at a job. The ability to tire of a job and move on is something that all zodiac signs experience. However, there are some signs that are more likely to make the necessary adjustments and quit sooner rather than later when they realize that a job is just not a good fit.