From December 19, 2017, to December 17, 2020, Saturn returns home to its native position in the sign of Capricorn. Saturn gets a bad reputation for being somber, cold, and burdensome. However, Saturn energy is just teaching us how to be responsible and accountable for ourselves. For the past two and a half years, Saturn has turned up the lessons on responsibility for all of us, and if we have been doing our work, Saturn will grant us with well-deserved, earned rewards for our commitment to our own personal and collective Saturn lessons at hand.
As we near the end of the current Saturn in Capricorn transit, it important to consider how Saturn transiting through its home sign of Capricorn impacted us as individuals and as a collective. We have been presented with testing circumstances during Saturn in Capricorn. The question we can ask ourselves now is whether we have learned anything from the trials and tests presented by the Saturn in Capricorn transit.
Read More »Saturn transits through a specific sign every two and a half years. The sign that Saturn transits provide details on the experiences and lessons that are necessary for maturation. Saturn transits are typically feared because they present challenges, obstacles, and tests in order to reap the benefits of the energy. Unlike Jupiter transits which grant abundance and luck, Saturn transits require that we work and earn what we desire. In earning what is desired, it is more likely that we will appreciate what we have created for ourselves as too often when people are simply handed what they desire they may take things for granted.
While Saturn is feared, this is only because we may feel that we are not capable of meeting the demands required to obtain Saturn’s rewards. The truth is Saturn simply asks that we take accountability and accept responsibility for ourselves. Saturn also wants us to “do the right thing.” This may seem simple, but many people are seeking what is “easy,” and Saturn simply doesn’t give its rewards without effort and hard work.
With Saturn returning to its domicile or home sign of Capricorn, the attributes of Saturn are pronounced. This transit amps up the need for accountability, responsibility, maturity, and structure and order. Likewise, Saturn is one of the planets that is associated with karma, so this transit brings back to us the energy that we have given out. Oftentimes, what is experienced as tough times during Saturn transits is also us reaping what we have sown. Those that are not willing to accept accountability for their actions have a hard time with Saturn energy.
Saturn in Capricorn offers us the opportunity to make something worthwhile of our reality, but we have to be willing to do the work.
Accepting Accountability & Responsibility
With Saturn transiting Capricorn, accountability, and responsibility is paramount. There is no getting around the maturation aspect of this transit. Saturn wants us to grow up and stop kidding ourselves. It wants us to make order out of the shambles of our lives. This energy wants us to stop pointing the finger towards others and get to addressing how we contribute to our own issues. So, why is this so hard?
As much as we don’t want to admit it, there are some people who are seeking the “path of least resistance.” The easy way out may allow us to “skirt by” and avoid the effort and hard work that is essential for growth…until we encounter a Saturn transit that demands that we take control of our lives. Saturn in Capricorn is an amplified dose of responsibility. We each are very aware of where we are slacking, and this transit has made it clear to us what we need to address.
Saturn in Capricorn is not our enemy. This energy genuinely wants us to win through owning up to our existence. Saturn reminds us that we are here in this physical plane, and what becomes of us is directly related to our willingness to be accountable and responsible for ourselves.
Building Structures that Last
The last two and a half years of the Saturn in Capricorn transit has placed pressure on existing structures personally and collectively. Saturn energy seeks to build solid foundations that stand the test of time. Any weak structures, from relationships to jobs to political systems, were tested and exposed during Saturn in Capricorn. These cracks in the foundation are often perceived as “unwanted troubles.” However, Saturn presents the opportunity to address the issues rather than continue to ignore what is not working. For those of us that have faced pressures, obstacles, and setbacks during this transit, these oppositional energies are fuel for corrective action that can improve our lives….if we are willing to do the work.
As we near the end of the Saturn in Capricorn transit, collectively we are seeing clearly how long-standing, existing structures are simply ineffective. Capricorn is the sign of the manager, and this transit has revealed gross mismanagement in numerous aspects of our shared collective experience. So often we complain about how the “system” is deeply flawed but very little is done to change the circumstances. Saturn in Capricorn has made many of us uncomfortable both personally and collectively so that we can finally address what is not working. In turn, we can begin the work of eliminating what is no longer useful so that we can reconstruct foundations that support us holistically.
Learning & Integrating Lessons
As the Saturn in Capricorn transit comes to a close, it is important to reflect on what we have learned. Through the trials, tribulations, setbacks, and obstacles are numerous lessons. If we are willing to experience Saturn energy as a stern, helper, we are more likely to gain wisdom from our hardships. Lessons provide us with the opportunity to reflect on what was wrong so that we can adjust our behavior for a more positive outcome in the present and the future. If we learn our lessons, we avoid repeating the same destructive behaviors. That’s the aim of Saturn-to get us to operate from a place of maturity so that we can live our best lives.
A lesson learned has to be integrated in order for positive change to take place. Capricorn is a cardinal sign that thrives on the implementation of practical, effective actions. Once we’ve learned our lessons, it is important that our lived experiences reflect this change in energy. Here are some examples of the Saturn in Capricorn energy affecting changes through lessons.
- If you have Saturn in Capricorn transiting the 7th house of relationships, you may have encounter issues with a romantic or business partner over the past two years. The lessons associated with these relationship issues could have prompted you to fix problems to better a relationship, or you could have decided that the relationship is no longer for you. Some people with this transit, finally decide to formally commit to a partner.
- If you have Saturn in Capricorn transiting the 2nd house, money management could be a theme. If you have managed your funds responsibly, you are experiencing prosperity. If you have not, you could find yourself being forced to develop better financial management skills due to a decrease in funds because of a job loss, wage garnishments, and/or other financially suppressing circumstances.
- If you have Saturn in Capricorn transiting the 6th house, health issues could present themselves to be addressed. This energy could produce a new illness, or a pre-existing condition could take a turn for the worse. Saturn wants you to get serious about your health instead of taking it for granted.
Ultimately, the Saturn in Capricorn transit wants us to be responsible for our existence. If we are going to be here in this physical plane, we must be willing to take accountability for our lives. As we wrap up this transit, it is important that we reflect on what Saturn attempted to teach us through the “hard times” so that we can integrate the lessons to improve our lives in an efficient, practical manner.