So Anxious with Venus in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus

On March 19, 2022, we wrap up both Pisces season as well as the winter season with some active Uranus energy. It’s happening again. Uranus is turning over the apple cart and causing some chaos as Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus.
To be completely honest, this is going to put many of us on edge especially when it comes to relationships and finances. Venus in Aquarius is typically very logical, aloof, and focused on adopting the unconventional. The square to Uranus in Taurus means that we are going to have to find some alternative ways to deal with Venusian themes in order to solidify the foundations that we desire.
Read More »When Venus Squares Uranus
Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus which presents the energy of Venus, the planet of love, relationships, and finances, in combat with Uranus the planet of rebellion and innovation. Venus and Uranus at odds with each other produce an effect where there are challenges when it comes to love and finances particularly as it relates to the Uranian desire to do things in a different way.
In general, Aquarius and Taurus don’t necessarily see eye to eye as they are both fixed signs in different elements. Aquarius is the fixed air element, and there’s usually a stubbornness related to the mentality while Taurus is the fixed earth element with its stubbornness manifesting in relation to its physical existence.
Aquarius seeks innovation through the mind while Taurus seeks the traditional. When there is a fixation on freedom and the avant-garde coming up against the traditional and maintaining the status quo, there are obviously going to be some differences.
The desire for Uranian freedom in relationships and finances is very likely to disrupt the Taurean desire for stability. Uranus wants to embody the energy of the electric change agent while Taurus wants to achieve security by slowly building its foundation.
When Taurus can’t get Aquarius to secure the stability it desires this creates friction, tension, and anxiety. The perfect example of this is the stable individual who wants to know what’s going to happen next in a relationship with a person that is erratic, unpredictable, or simply not interested. This is the energy of Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus.
Anxious Courtesy of Uranus
With the Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus energies, we get to experience Uranus energy on both ends. You’ve got Venus in Aquarius wanting the freedom in relationships and the ability to earn income on their own terms.
Aquarius doesn’t have time for stuffy, conventional ways of the world. It wants to get things moving by being the change agent, and that’s fine as long as there isn’t any challenge.
This brings to mention the square of Venus in Aquarius to the current Uranus in Taurus transit. Traditionally, Taurus is a sign that is earthy and digs in his heels in order to create stable foundations.
However, the fixed energy of Taurus has the habit of becoming stuck in a rut which is why Uranus’ transit of Taurus seeks to free Taurus from its outdated, deeply ingrained behaviors and beliefs so that it can incorporate more innovative processes that will allow it to move forward and create new foundations.
Venus in Aquarius wants to be a rebel, and Uranus in Taurus is putting up a fight trying to hold on to the status quo. Uranus energy brings the unexpected, and because of this, anxiety is at an all-time high because no one really knows what’s going to happen! This is especially true for those who are seeking some type of stability when there are no certain signs that stability is promised.
Impulsive Energy
With Venus in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus, it’s important to be aware of impulsivity at this time. Especially when it comes to money and relationships. In the realm of money, even if you get this overwhelming need to buy, it’s important to do your best to avoid impulsive spending.
Likewise, taking unnecessary financial risks may seem innovative, but with the harsh energies going on right now, it’s very likely that those financial risks could end up causing more chaos than good.
In terms of relationships, being open-minded at this time is important. One of the main aspects of Uranus energy is the desire to have relationships that offer freedom. Those that need constant reassurance and validation from others, especially partners, are likely to feel on edge at this time as they are not likely to get it.
Venus in Aquarius in and of itself is not the most romantic position. The fact that it is squaring Uranus in Taurus means that a partner’s desire for freedom could make some feel anxious about existing relationship status.
The best thing to do with this energy is to give people space as the failure to do so could create an overwhelming desire to “break away” to get rid of the anxiousness and possibly stifling traditional expectations from others.
How to Deal with this Energy
So, how do you deal with Uranus causing chaos and confusion once again? Here are a few tips.
Be Open-minded-With the energy of Venus in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus, any attempt to control is just going to create more confusion and chaos. It’s best to just fall back and not try to pressure or force anyone or anything.
Give Space-Uranus energy, especially with Venus in Aquarius, is known for being quite aloof, quite independent, and doesn’t really do being coddled and stifled. Even if it’s hard for us to do so, give people space at this time. If you are the type that is usually the more stable person seeking something more solid, understand that people may want to pull back and become anxious if they perceive they are being hounded into stability. Again, fall back and allow for space at this time.
Take Caution with Impulsivity-Being impulsive right now is not recommended. Although there is the energy of anxiety to support acting on impulse, the square energies between Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, are likely to cause unwanted, unpleasant disruptions…especially in the areas of finances and relationships. If you don’t want to experience unwanted shocks to your finances and relationships, forgo the desire to act on impulse.
The energy of Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus is quite unexpected and anxious. It’s going to be hard to not notice it, but even when things are at their most volatile, we have the ability to control ourselves. If at all costs, avoid taking the erratic route especially as it concerns personal relationships and finances. At some point, this energy will pass, and we don’t want to deal with regrets due to impulsivity.