Neptune is the nebulous planet that represents…well…that is still up for understanding, as Neptune energy is hard to pin down. Neptune is something beyond this physical experience. It is the subconscious and what motivates us beyond the seen and known. Neptune embraces all. There are no boundaries. It is the experience of walking between two worlds…one that is obviously physical, and the other that is beyond this physical realm. All the while, Neptune beckons us to be physical while also reaching for something that is much greater…something that is omnipresent and encompasses everything. In many ways, Neptune is the experience of what some refer to as transcendence where boundaries cease to exist, and everything is truly “One.”
Each sign offers energy that manifests and serves a purpose in this physical plane. Neptune asks us to consider dissolving the ego to transcend this experience. Pisces as the last sign is the last “stop” before rejoining “Oneness.” What “Oneness” is to each of us varies, but there is the understanding that it is something more than us while also being us at the same time. Quite confusing yet understandable…isn’t it? Well, that is Neptune. Just when you think you understand, perhaps you don’t. All you know is that everything is connected, and separations that were found throughout the last 11 trips through the zodiac were just sections of the whole that have resulted in the final Neptunian journey that is taken by Pisces. Pisces is both itself and all the 11 other signs combined. It is everything while being nothing at all. It is ALL, and it is ONE. The idea that Pisces is separate from all the other signs or anything outside of itself is an illusion.
This realization is part of transcendence…understanding that ALL is ONE. To be complete is to be full into oneself and to return to wherever from which we have all come from. Where is that? No one really knows. Neptune, as usual, doesn’t have a definitive answer. This is all an illusion anyhow.
The Pitfalls of Neptune
So, if Neptune is so spiritual and so oriented towards the path of transcendence, what’s the catch? Well, there is always a catch. Neptune/Pisces energy is not devoid of its own pitfalls as with any other sign and planetary energy. There is always the danger of being deceived with Neptune energy…either by deceiving oneself or being deceived by others. It is the equivalent of driving through fog thinking that you are headed in the right direction, but you are unsure because you can’t really see. Neptune also poses the possibility of self-sabotage where you shoot yourself in the foot just before you reach where you intended to be. This self-sabotage can take any form from denial, delusion, and escapism through drugs, and alcohol…the list goes on.
In the desire to transcend this experience so many choose paths that ultimately make them incapable of really transcending as they desire. They become “caught up” in trying to escape the physical experience so much that they are unable to truly channel their energy into effectively transcending the physical realm. Others take the path of becoming “absorbed” by the physical experience of living. Both experiences speak of the duality of the pitfalls associated with the Neptunian path of transcendence. They are different but the same as the Piscean symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions…but still swimming one and the same.
…And so the soul may try to escape through drugs, alcohol, daydreams and in some cases…suicide…The soul tries to transcend…only to discover that it is has reincarnated again. Back on the wheel of life. What a disappointment for the soul that yearns to be reunited with “Everything.”
Transcending the Wheel of Life
What went wrong Neptune? What went wrong Pisces? Why are you back on the wheel of life that you so desire to transcend? (This is not just for the Pisces…but for all of us). If life is a wheel that leads to transcendence beyond this physical realm, why do we continue to come back? Why are we here, and why do we keep returning? What aren’t we “getting?”
Does anyone know? Can anyone tell us how to move beyond this physical experience? How do we all get off the wheel of life that was once a great deal of fun, but now, at the mature soul’s journey, is but a tease of the fulfillment and completeness that appears to only await at death’s door?
As ironic as it may seem, Neptune is asked to juggle the reality, as illusionary as it is, of being in this world while working towards the evolution and ultimate rejoining of the soul with Oneness. It is what is referred to as being in this world but not of this world. This is not an easy feat, and true to Neptune’s form, the path to transcendence is not clear and varies for each of us.
On the path to transcendence, the soul must find a way to understand that this reality in some ways is the path that determines if it will be able to transcend. Neptune wants to escape this physical reality, but this reality is part of the path of transcendence. Yet, simultaneously this physical reality is not everything-although so many think that it is, and many become overly concerned with the “physical trappings” that lead one astray from the path of transcendence.
Neptune asks that you not forget who and what you are, and where you are headed. So who and what are you exactly?
As cliché as it may sound, you are a spiritual being having a physical experience. The path is back to Oneness…Source…or whatever you choose to call it. This physical experience is a testing ground or path of getting the soul back to where it was before entering this physical realm.
Remember, be in this world, but not of it. The path of the soul is back to from which it came.
This is Neptune and an attempt to explain the unexplainable that is the nebulous path of the soul’s journey through the wheel of the zodiac from Aries to Pisces. This is the journey of transcendence.