Staying healthy is at the top of everyone’s minds right now. People over the age of 50 need to take care not to neglect their own well-being. Even though people are sequestered away in their own homes, there are effective tactics to remain in good health. There is more to your general well-being than only physical condition. Mental and emotional conditions also contribute to overall fitness. Here are some tips for staying healthy in all ways while in the comfort of your own home.
Just as important as knowing what foods to eat is having a plan. Don’t go to the store without an idea of what your meals and snacks will be over the next week. If substitutions are needed, substitute from the same food group. For example, if you can’t find grapefruit, substitute with oranges. If bananas are not available, substitute apples. The idea is to make sure you have a balanced nutritious diet.
Having a plan will also ensure that you have enough to eat. There is no need to stockpile, but also no need to do without. Peek into your cupboards and see what you have then create the week’s menu around it. Need some inspiration?
- Choose high fiber foods. These include whole-grain cereals and breads, deep-colored vegetables such as spinach, nuts and seeds, and fruits.
- Fried foods are not your friend. Instead choose foods that are broiled, grilled, or baked.
- Don’t forget vitamin D. Choose milk that is fortified. Stick to skim or low-fat milk. Other healthy choices include almond, soy, or rice milk.
- Get your fluids. Though many adults feel less thirsty as they get older, it is still important to drink water throughout the day.
2. Stay Active
The gym is closed but the outdoors is still available. You can walk, run, bike ride or whatever mode of exercise you enjoy most. The idea is to stay away from other people. Ideally, you should have a 6-foot radius of clearance.
If you can’t get out there are other options. Many gym instructors and trainers are offering classes online. You can still go to your yoga class virtually. There are also many videos offered online for at-home exercises. Also available is a plethora of apps for your phone.
There are plenty of workout routines that don’t involve any special equipment. You can lift weights with common household items such as ketchup or detergent bottles. There are dozens of aerobic exercises available as well. Burpees, push-ups, squats, and planks are just a few of the workouts that will keep you moving. All exercises can be done in moderation in order to fit your ability level.
Physical activity doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym. Simply moving by walking, gardening, or even cleaning can greatly improve your overall well being.
3. Sleep and Stress Don’t Mix
Getting a sufficient amount of sleep is important for warding off stress and anxiety. Not surprisingly sleep can also play a major roll in how your body functions and processes nutrients. Sleeping well means living well.
In these uncertain times, you may discover that sleep doesn’t come as easily as it did a month ago. There are effective strategies to try to help sleep be less elusive.
Yoga and meditation are a popular resource for managing stress and anxiety. Many yoga studios and mediation mentors are streaming their classes and sessions. You can check your local businesses online to see what they have to offer. If you need a less guided session of meditation there are plenty of apps available for your phone or tablet.
Another great strategy is to rely on your family for support. If you have loved ones who live with you, then spend time together. Look at old photos, play games, watch movies together. Spend more time with family and less time with the news. Overexposure to the news can create a massive amount of stress and anxiety.
4. Clean
The COVID-19 virus can survive up to 72 hours on many surfaces. Disinfecting surfaces, especially after you have been out, is essential. When you buy groceries then set the bags on the table or counter, make sure you clean it after the supplies are put away.
Along with your surfaces, make sure you wash your hands regularly. Decluttering is also highly recommended. The less surface area, the fewer places for the COVID-19 virus to hide. This is especially important in small living areas. So instead of watching the news, grab your loved ones and declutter.
With the simple strategies of good nutrition, staying active, and keeping clean there is no reason an over-50 adult cannot maintain a healthy life. Being in good condition physically, mentally, and emotionally is possible. You can’t control how the virus will act. You can’t control the news. You can control your response and actions during the time of social distancing. Take care of your body, mind, and soul by following the above simple tips