The Effect of Mercury Retrograde on Gemini & Virgo

As we wrap up the third Mercury retrograde event of 2022, it’s important to understand how the Mercury-ruled signs, Gemini and Virgo, handle this interesting, yet confusing astrological event. Gemini represents the airy expression of Mercury while Virgo represents the earthy, grounded expression.
Given that Mercury is the ruler of both Gemini and Virgo, these two signs often experience the communication mishaps quite personally when Mercury goes retrograde. With an upcoming Mercury retrograde closing out 2022, Gemini and Virgo can offer insight into how to handle Mercury retrograde effectively.
The Infamous Mercury Retrograde
Read More »Mercury retrograde is a three-week period where the planet appears to move backward. In reality, the planets do not actually move backward. The retrograde motion of planets in astrology is an optical illusion as viewed from the planet earth. The retrograde motion of the planets turns the energy of the specific planet inwards as opposed to the usual outward expression.
In the case of Mercury retrograde, all things Mercury-ruled, information, communication, messages, and short-term travel are impacted. When Mercury goes retrograde, we could experience issues with vehicles, or we may find ourselves encountering traffic jams and travel delays. Miscommunication is likely at this time as well. Mercury retrograde is not the best time to sign contracts because there are contractual details that are not clear. This also includes the “contract” that is marriage. Relationships that are solidified during Mercury retrograde are oftentimes reconsidered at a later date. Thus, it is best to hold off on contractual agreements under Mercury retrograde.
Also, given that Mercury is the messenger, there could be delays and errors in receiving mail and packages. Sending and receiving messages via email or social media could be delayed as well. An example of this energy is thinking that you have sent an email only to find out that it was never sent at all!
Mercury Retrograde, Gemini & Virgo
While Mercury governs both Gemini and Virgo, these two signs channel Mercury’s energy differently. The Gemini expression of Mercury energy focuses on collecting and sharing information as a means of forming connections with others as well as learning through the local environment.
With Virgo, Mercury energy focuses on identifying and using information and details practically. Because Virgo wants to use the information to its advantage, discernment and discrimination are important. Mercury energy as expressed through Virgo energy can show up as being the detailed fact-checker and the grammar police when communicating.
By understanding how Mercury energy is expressed by Gemini and Virgo, there is the opportunity to navigate Mercury retrograde with insight and awareness.
Born with Mercury Retrograde
While most of us experience Mercury retrograde as a transit about three to four times a year, it’s important to remember that there are people who are actually born under the energy of Mercury retrograde which means this energy is part of their natal astrology makeup. Thus, the fear and anticipation associated with Mercury retrograde are experienced differently by those who deal with it as an everyday occurrence.
People born with Mercury retrograde internalize communication. This could represent communication delays or speech and learning variances such as stuttering or dyslexia. Also, these people are likely to choose internal ways of expression. For example, an individual with Mercury in Gemini is likely to be quite talkative. However, an individual with Mercury in Gemini retrograde may prefer communication that is more introverted. Instead of talking, the individual with Mercury retrograde in Gemini may prefer writing as a form of self-expression.
Despite what some may think, there is value in Mercury retrograde. Many with Mercury retrograde natally are quite adept at thinking before they speak, so they are less likely to say something they regret. The Mercury retrograde person understands that it’s better to consider what is said before you say it as opposed to just spouting off at the mouth.
For example, Gemini energy is known for being gossipy at its worst and Virgo energy is known for its critical nature. Internally, the Mercury retrograde individual is more likely to have conversations with themselves about the information they come in contact with instead of sharing it with others. Similarly, the criticisms that are associated with Virgo energy are often internalized instead of being expressed through projection onto others.
So, there are benefits to Mercury retrograde…the opportunity to think before speaking and reconsidering the information that we receive before sharing it.
Advice from Gemini & Virgo for Mercury Retrograde
Given that Virgo and Gemini are ruled by Mercury, these planets provide the best advice about how to handle all things Mercury when it moves in reverse through the cosmos.
Mercury retrograde in Gemini advises us that it is not always best to share information just because we have it. Also, it’s best not to share too much information about ourselves or others. From the perspective of Gemini, Mercury retrograde also provides a cautionary warning about gossip as anything that is shared during the retrograde period is likely to come back to us when Mercury goes direct.
Also, because Mercury is the messenger, Gemini advises us to look out for our vehicles as we could have troubles at this time that prevent short-distance travel. We should also expect messenger delays, so if you want to purchase something for your dear grandmother and need it by a particular date, Gemini would suggest ordering well ahead of the Mercury retrograde as there could be delays that cause your gift to be late. There is also a possibility that mail and packages are delivered to the wrong address under Mercury retrograde so it is best to be aware of these potential messenger-related mishaps.
From the perspective of Virgo, Mercury retrograde represents a time to adopt discernment regarding information and details. This is reminiscent of editor energy where being hyper-vigilant about flaws and errors is important. Because Virgo wants to use details and information in a practical manner, it’s important to thoroughly analyze all incoming information before taking action. In most cases, it is best to hold onto information until Mercury goes direct. Why is this? Because Virgo energy will likely find an error that makes the information we have inaccurate. True to the logical nature of Virgo, it doesn’t make sense to actively use inaccurate information as there will likely be changes in the future when Mercury goes direct.
The energy of both Gemini and Virgo also encourages us to be discerning when using information in a public manner during Mercury retrograde. If there was ever a time to avoid posting on social media, it is definitely when Mercury is moving backward. Why? Because we are likely to say something that will come back to us. The Gemini expression of Mercury loves the connective, communicative space that is social media. However, the Virgo expression of Mercury offers us the opportunity to harness the discernment that Gemini lacks when posting to the internet.
During Mercury retrograde, it is important to hone in on that discerning guidance from the Virgo side of Mercury that cautions us that everything we share, especially on public platforms, will be on the internet forever. Thus, it is best to pass on communication that could potentially come back to us when Mercury goes direct. Also, critical analysis of information could pose an issue under Mercury retrograde. While we may want to use information right now, confusion and mixups are likely. Someone could misinterpret what is said and/or written requiring a reassessment.
Overall, Mercury retrograde is planetary energy that cannot be avoided. However, the Mercury-ruled signs of Gemini and Virgo have a special understanding of Mercury retrograde that could potentially help everyone navigate this somewhat confusing and frustrating astrological event with insight. Instead of working against planetary energy only to end up frustrated, learning to work with the internal, reflective energy of retrograde planets is ideal. Mercury’s governing signs Gemini and Virgo offer direct insight on how to navigate Mercury retrograde energy to our advantage.