Breakup With A Gemini, According To Your Own Zodiac Sign

Aries (March 21-April 21)
A breakup with a Gemini doesn’t fade calmly into non-existence. It will be preceded over time by some fairly vehement arguments. Since Aries loves to predominate, if a Gemini is the one initiating the breakup, an Aries is not going to stand for letting it end without at least winning the last argument hands-down.
Read More »The end of a Gemini-Taurus union is not generally a clean break. It’s the Taurus nature to show possessive behavior so, when it’s time to let go, a Taurus is not going to be willing to release the ties so quickly. Geminis would do well to take a short vacation after leaving Tauruses. Otherwise, it’s likely they’ll show up on your doorstep to try to convince you it’s a mistake.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
When a Gemini has had it with one of its own, it’s likely to be a fairly amicable separation. You’re not the types who like to confront messy situations like this. You’ve already been through your jealousy issues, and they’re likely becoming a bore for both of you. You’ll pick up the pieces, and life will go on.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
No matter what sign of the zodiac breaks up with a moon child, it’s going to be one of the most emotional experiences they’ve ever encountered. Because Geminis can be fickle, this breakup can be even more emotionally charged than others. Cancers may blame themselves if a Gemini has been less than faithful, and many of the tears shed will be from remorseful feelings that they could have done better keeping Gemini interested.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Leos are fine with breakups, in general, as long as they’re the ones doing the breaking. Since Gemini-Leo love relationships are generally a good match, a breakup can last over an extended time. There will be a period of second thoughts for both, wondering whether it’s the best decision before the final severance of ties. If Leos are the initiators, there will be no getting away without some very harsh words from Geminis that will ring in their ears long after the separation.
Virgo August 23-September 22)
Most any Virgo horoscope will tell you they take things to heart, and breakups are not excluded. When things get too serious and marriage becomes a consideration, a Gemini may not be as comfortable with the idea as a Virgo is. Geminis will be less likely to want to make the sacrifices of married life. Making sure that Virgos understand it’s about an issue apart from them rather than something personally lacking in them can make the separation easier.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Just because the last remnants of romantic love have burned out in a relationship between a Libra and a Gemini does not mean they won’t remain friends. Their combined intelligence will usually result in a mutual decision that this is the best thing for both their lives. Libras can tend to be indecisive about long-term commitments anyway so, when the intimate relationship has run its course, a much looser association can continue very nicely on a different level.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Any traits listed in their horoscopes will reveal that Geminis and Scorpios are pretty much at opposite ends of the spectrum. That opposites attract is a major reason the two get together in the first place but, unless both are willing to work out their differences, it’s probably to be expected that the day will come for a departure. Scorpios are often a little too demanding of time and attention for the versatile Gemini who is constantly looking for new experiences. Tread lightly when initiating a breakup with a Scorpio because they can be vindictive.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Capricorns often can’t keep up with the fast pace of Geminis. For instance, Capricorn is still planning on helping with that trip to the grocery store while Gemini has already been there and put the groceries away. The day of the breakup is almost inevitable with these two. Since Capricorns are secure about themselves, chances are that if Gemini gets too bored with this relationship, it won’t be considered a big loss to a Capricorn. Capricorns may even be the initiators of the separation, tiring of the flighty nature of their partner.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Like Geminis, those born under the sign of Sagittarius aren’t that fond of commitment to any one individual. Since neither one will hold on to the relationship too tightly, there’s no one who will try to hold it together when things start to fall apart. They’re both just as satisfied to move on. The break up between them is usually clean and quick.