Being emotionally fulfilled is essential to having a secure, satisfying life. In astrology, the moon represents what we need to feel secure and nourished. It can also represent the emotional patterns we picked up as children based on our relationship with the maternal figure and the family as a whole. In many ways, the moon represents our shadow side that we keep hidden from others.
The following is an overview of what each zodiac sign needs to feel secure. It’s important to note that there is no one right way to seek security. The fulfillment of emotional needs is just as varied as the zodiac signs.
Read More »When it comes to emotional fulfillment, Aries moon is at its best when they are self-sufficient. With Mars as its ruler, Aries feel secure when they can rely on themselves. As children, this is a moon sign that may have experienced circumstances where they had to be emotionally self-sufficient. Thus, in adulthood, it is important for you to maintain self-sufficiency even when in a relationship with others.
Moon in Taurus-Foundations & Security
When the moon is in Taurus, it is in its exalted state. This means that the moon functions best in the sign of Taurus basically due to the innate security needs that Taurus seeks. Moon in Taurus individuals needs a firm foundation that they can rely on. This sign does not do well with change especially when it comes to its home environment. The familiarity of sameness allows the moon in Taurus to feel secure enough to connect to its sensual, earthy side. Without a foundation, this particular moon sign will feel quite irritable and unsettled.
Moon in Gemini-Communication
Communication is key for the moon in Gemini. This is someone that truly needs the back-and-forth of banter and mentally stimulating environments in order to thrive and feel secure. As a child, these individuals were probably very loquacious, and even if they were a bit shy, it is evident that they were always up to something in their environment. Basically, a busybody. This particular moon sign may also have a need for secure bonds with siblings and extended family members such as cousins. This person feels secure when they are able to have open conversations with others.
Moon in Cancer-Emotional Security & Nurturing
With the moon in Cancer, there is a genuine desire for emotional connectivity and bonding. With this placement, the moon is in its home placement as the moon is the ruler of Cancer. Security is derived from being able to give and receive caring and nurturing specifically from those in close proximity such as family, lovers, and close friends. You will find that you feel more secure when you have a solid home environment. Likewise, you would do well to have a financial nest egg so that you can be prepared for rainy days.
Moon in Leo-Adoration and Acknowledgement
The moon in Leo definitely desires to be seen. It is with this placement that ego development is strong, and there is a need to be adored and acknowledged by those in the immediate environment. At times, you could have a tendency to act out to obtain attention. It is important that the moon in Leo finds an outlet for creative expressions that allows visible exposure to others. This could be anything from performance work to putting their gifts and skills on display.
Moon in Virgo-Order & Clarity
The Virgo moon has a distinct need for order and clarity in the environment. This is a placement that does not do well with a lot of mess. Due to the critical nature of Virgo, you notice flaws within yourself as well as others. It is also possible that as a child you could have felt that the maternal figures were hypercritical. Because of this, Moon in Virgo desires to be perfect, and you feel most safe and secure when you have a regular routine and everything in your life is in order according to your high standards.
Moon in Libra-Peace & Relationships
For the moon in Libra, peace and relationship are necessary for security. In fact, it may seem as if those with this placement are unable to be alone. You may always be in a relationship of some sort even if it’s not romantic. The Libran desire for relating makes you more likely to partner with others. Also, this is one sign that does not do well with a lot of discord. Even if you or others have to feign happiness in order to keep the peace, Moon in Libra is all for maintaining a sense of peace, harmony, and balance.
Moon in Scorpio-Deep Connections
The moon in Scorpio position is a pretty heavy one. While the opposite placement of the moon in Taurus feels quite comfortable getting its security needs met, the moon in Scorpio feels that there is an innate lack of security.
The moon is considered at its fall or in the least desirable position when it is in Scorpio. Because Scorpio energy is constantly evolving, there is always the sense of risk that the security needs will not be met. You could potentially have some deep emotional issues to process, and there is a possibility of traumatic experiences that require deep analysis for catharsis. In some cases, this particular placement is an indicator of a complicated relationship with the maternal figure.
Moon in Sagittarius-Exploration & Optimism
The position of the moon in Sagittarius definitely needs exploration. This particular moon sign may feel best away from the home of origin. In fact, the moon in Sagittarius may feel more at home when you are on the go or traveling as many with this placement consider themselves “citizens of the world.” It’s important for you to explore beyond what you’re used to.
Through travel, higher education, studying different philosophies, and even exploring different religious paths, the Moon in Sagittarius does best when you hold an expansive view of life. It is also important for this moon sign to always be able to keep the faith as it truly impacts your emotional security.
Moon in Capricorn-Responsibility & Status
The moon in Capricorn is another interesting position as it is opposite the home placement of Cancer. If the moon in Cancer readily gives us comfort and nurturing, then the moon in Capricorn gives us what you need but with conditions. With this placement, you may often feel as if your ability to feel safe and secure is tied to your achievements and success.
Security comes through accepting accountability and responsibility for the self and oftentimes others. Due to the nature of Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, in your youth, you could have felt burdened by heavy responsibilities.
Moon in Aquarius-Freedom
When it comes to the moon in Aquarius, freedom is top of the list for security. This is a moon sign that will only feel safe if you are able to be free in all aspects of your life. Independence is necessary and required, and this particular moon sign is not likely to settle or feel comfortable if your freedom of expression is hindered. In some ways, you may feel like an outcast or innately different from your family. This feeling of being set aside or different propels you to seek out your own freedom for yourselves and others.
Moon in Pisces-Spiritual & Emotional Connection
For the Pisces moon, spiritual connectivity is a must. While many people can go through life without even considering where they come from or the larger scheme that makes this experience what it is, the Pisces Moon realizes that it is connected to everything through Source energy. It is important for you to make space to attend to your spiritual self on a daily basis.
Whether this is done through some type of creative work such as art or music or spiritual practices such as meditation or yoga, making the space to acknowledge the oneness with everything is highly important to keep the moon in Pisces grounded. As a moon in Pisces, it is important that you truly know that there is always something greater than you that you can count on that is beyond the visible eye.
In all, fulfilling the security needs of the moon sign is vitally important to feel secure in this physical realm. There are so many people who feel off because they aren’t honoring the security needs of the moon sign. Hopefully, this overview has provided some insight into what you need to feel more secure through your moon sign placement.