Pisces Teaches Us How To Harness The Power Of Intuition

While some people rely on the guidance of logic and groundedness, this is not the case for Pisces. As one of the most intuitive signs of the zodiac, anyone who has ever encountered a Pisces knows that they operate on a different level. Sometimes it may even seem as if they are connected to something unseen or beyond grasp.
If you ask any Pisces that is truly in touch with themselves, they will not hesitate to tell you how important intuition is in their lives. While all of us have intuition, there are some people who are just a lot better at using it. In the case of Pisces, their naturally emotionally and spiritually connected natures enable them to tap into their intuition with ease. Pisces truly can teach all of us valuable lessons on how to harness the power of intuition.
Understanding Intuition
Read More »It is important to note that everyone has intuition. It’s just that it’s easier to harness or tap into for some more than others. Typically, those individuals who are a bit more logical and practical may find that accessing their intuition is more difficult because they tend to be oriented toward facts and data. Nevertheless, it is possible to learn how to balance logical and intuitive awareness for optimal understanding of the self for true overall guidance.
Pisces, The Most Intuitive Sign
Now, why is Pisces considered to be the most intuitive zodiac sign? While there are a number of reasons for this, in general, Pisces represents what is hidden thanks to its ruling sign, Neptune. The hidden can only be detected through understanding energy and the ability to feel things out. Pisces is known for its empathic abilities which allow them to pick up on the energies external to itself.
Many of us have heard of empaths. This is the ability to feel what others are feeling as well as pick up on energy within the environment. Some would consider it a step above sympathy as empathy actually enables others to feel what others are feeling. Contrary to the popular use of the term, not everyone is an empath.
Just ask a Pisces about what empathy is really like, and they will tell you it is not all fun and games. It can actually be quite overwhelming and draining which is why many Pisces tend to withdraw into isolation quite frequently to replenish themselves from all that they pick up energetically.
Tips For Tapping Into Your Intuition From Pisces
As we navigate through Pisces’ season, it could be of interest to many to learn how to get in touch with their intuition. Thus, we provided some tips from a Piscean perspective on how to tap into intuition for your benefit.
Everything Is Not As It Seems
First, it’s important to note that Pisces is aware more than any other sign that everything is not as it seems. Pisces’ ruling planet Neptune rules illusions, delusions, and deception, so they are quite adept at intuiting when something is “off.” Even without the clarity of facts and information, a secure Pisces trusts themselves when they feel that something is off, and they will not allow anyone to deter them from their inner knowing.
So, before we go any further in attempting to understand intuition, it is important to reconcile logic with intuition. Yes, there are times when the mental sphere is important to navigate and come to an understanding of people and circumstances. However, even facts can be manipulated which Pisces understands innately. So, having the base understanding that everything is not as it seems allows us to be more open to picking up on when someone or something presents incongruent with the energy that is experienced.
Tap Into Your Feelings
Tapping into feelings is necessary as intuition provides guidance that doesn’t come through a linear, logical approach. Those who are distant from the emotional realm such as the air signs and the practical earth signs could have barriers to tapping into their intuition due to their logical leanings. To develop and/or tap into intuition, we have to be okay with feeling no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
Just ask Pisces because as the most intuitive zodiac sign not everything that is intuited is positive. Sometimes they feel really great and other times not so much. All of these fluctuations in feeling are internalized and processed in a way that is beneficial when Pisces trusts their inner knowing.
By acknowledging the emotional realm, we open ourselves up to the guidance that comes from intuition.
Trust Your Gut
Trusting the gut is a major aspect of utilizing intuition. Even Pisces falls short of doing this, unfortunately, and when they do, Pisces usually regrets it. This is because Pisces’ intuition is usually spot on, so when they talk themselves out of their intuitive knowing by ignoring red flags or wearing rose-colored glasses because they don’t want to deal with the reality of what their intuition has detected, these actions are all counterproductive to Pisces very accurate intuition.
So, we really want to be able to access intuition to our benefit, we have to be able to trust what the intuition perceives. We will have to do this even when what is being shown to us feels different from what intuition is revealing to us. Go back to everything is not as it seems to be. That’s why this was listed first on the journey of accessing intuition because once we understand that what we experience is not always what it seems to be, we’ll be more comfortable experiencing the incongruence between what is shown and what is felt and/or intuited.
Don’t Doubt Yourself
Intuition is there to guide us, but it is only as effective as our willingness to be guided. Intuition, for some, is like a muscle that has to be developed, so it’s important that we learn to not doubt ourselves. Even if we don’t have all the proof and facts at the moment, there is space for us to hold off and allow ourselves to feel and allow intuition to guide us accordingly. Pisces does this all the time when they don’t necessarily have the facts like their opposite sign Virgo. However, Pisces always manages to confirm what it knows by trusting its intuition.
It is for this reason that it is detrimental to Pisces not to doubt their intuitive awareness because it is usually right even if they can’t see it at the moment. Those who are interested in developing their intuition would do well to use it as a muscle and learn to trust that the intuition is correct and wait for the affirming details to float to the top accordingly.
Energy Doesn’t Lie
Finally, while people, places, and things may present dishonestly, energy never lies. Knowing this allows us to harness our intuition with confidence. Being able to pick up on energetic compatibilities as well as incongruities is important in utilizing intuition to our advantage. From the playbook of Pisces, sometimes we can get caught up in only seeing what we want i.e. wearing rose-colored glasses or ignoring what energy is revealing to us to our detriment.
Choose to harness the more positive aspects of Pisces energy and allow ourselves to accept the energy that we experience as this will allow us to use intuition to guide us to our advantage.
Hopefully, this overview of intuition and Pisces energy has provided an understanding of the importance of being tapped into our inner knowing. Everyone has access to their intuition, but we have to give ourselves an opportunity to trust what we feel and know how to use this inner knowledge to guide us in the most beneficial manner accordingly.