Tips to Relax and Relieve Yourself of Unnecessary Stress by Sign

Aries (March 21-April 21)
Because an Aries loves sports and physical activity, the best methods of relaxation for those born under this sign would be to incorporate those passions into a regimen on a regular basis. Aries people like purpose to what they’re doing, so even though things like meditation and practicing breathing techniques are also good for relaxation, an Aries will get bored with these practices very quickly, and no method for stress reduction is good unless you actually do it.
Read More »Taurus people are very affected by their senses, what they see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. The best way for them to fend off those feelings of anxiety which are often common to a Taurus is to employ methods that directly affect those senses. Things like aromatherapy, a cup of chamomile tea, snuggling under a warm, soft, velvety blanket, bubble baths, or indulging in a comfort food can take the edge off a stressful day. Anything they like that is a comfort to their senses will help a Taurus relax.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
The intellectual curiosity and deeper thought processes of a Gemini can lead to overthinking and over-worrying, often imagining worst-case scenarios that may never even happen. Because they love to talk, the act of telling someone with whom they are close the things that are bothering them can greatly help to relieve the stressful feelings brought on by their own thoughts as long as they choose a sounding board who is calm and understanding.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
With Mercury going into retrograde, a moon child can be even more prone to emotional upheaval than usual. Things like meditation and prayer can greatly reduce the anxiety they’re feeling. As it is their nature to be nurturing, taking the mind off itself and devoting time and energy into other people’s problems can also improve a Cancer’s emotional well-being. They might consider volunteering at a food bank or another charitable organization.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
The self-confidence Leos exude may make people think they’re immune to emotional stress, but that is far from the case. The biggest problem lies in the fact that Leos often don’t recognize their emotional needs until they manifest in physical illness. Before this happens, Leos should make it a habit to take at least one day every week to completely cater to themselves and do whatever it is that makes them happiest. Even going to a party where they know they will be the center of attention can do wonders for Leos’ emotional health.
Virgo August 23-September 22)
In the first place, Virgos take every situation to heart, and this leads to an almost never-ending strain on the emotions. Because Virgos are so goal-oriented, that constant energy to achieve the desired outcome toward a longer term goal’s fulfillment can be an emotional drain until the goal is reached. For the Virgo feeling overwhelmed, the best remedy is to choose several very short-term types of goals like washing and waxing the car or preparing a fancy dinner where the goals are reached very quickly and result in activities of enjoyment. The satisfaction they will feel from these smaller accomplishments can be great tension-relievers for them.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Because Libras are so cerebral, they don’t let their emotions come into play when analyzing problems that need solving. However, sometimes emotions are the problem and realizing that they need attention is the first step toward relief of anxiety. They have an affinity for aesthetics and they love company, so taking a close friend or significant other along for a relaxing day surrounded by beautiful scenery in a tranquil setting will be most beneficial for Libras.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Change is about the only constant thing in life, but Scorpios most often do not respond well to it. It’s very challenging to their sense of security, order, and their need to take control. Since change does happen all the time, Scorpios need to take time out each day to regroup. Meditation, prayer, listening to soothing music, or reciting positive affirmations in a quiet place can be rejuvenating for Scorpios.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
A Sagittarius horoscope often refers to their dislike of confinement. They become very uncomfortable and sullen unless they can get out and move around. Their philosophical natures become stale without the ability to breathe in fresh air and move their bodies. Taking a run along the beach and bringing a book to read at the end of the jaunt will ease the tension.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Their workaholic natures pave a direct route to emotional exhaustion. Capricorns will end up working through the weekend when they need that time to unwind more than almost anyone else. For Capricorns, it doesn’t as much matter what they do to relax as much as it does that they just do it. Including others in definite plans for recreation on a weekly basis will give Capricorns the necessary time to enjoy life away from work and make it more difficult for them not to follow through.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Aquarius people generally enjoy the company of others, but they also need mental stimulation for inner tranquility. Joining a book discussion group, a sports discussion group, a garden club, or a yoga class can be ways to offset the tensions that sometimes pervade their lives when reality doesn’t coincide with their lofty idealism.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Pisces people can tend to have a generally negative view of things, perhaps essential to their creative natures, but also resulting in a more constant, stressful state. A Pisces should take full advantage of any opportunity to get away near the water to fish, write poetry, or paint the landscape, providing them the most therapeutic relief for the built-up tensions in their daily lives.