
Popular Shows on Netflix for Your Viewing Pleasure

With summer holidays behind us for the most part and school still a few weeks away, it’s time to enjoy the free time we have left. However, the heat index sends many of us inside to survive the rising temperatures. With summer heat sending us indoors, we turn to Netflix to keep us entertained. However, Netflix offers many shows to whet your media appetite and ask for more. So, where should you start? Here are some options based on what’s popular on Netflix!

Avatar: The Last Airbender

One of the most popular Nickelodeon cartoons of the early 2000s is now on Netflix! Follow the adventures of Aang, known as the last surviving Airbender, as he and his friends fight the clock to save the world from the Fire Nation before the Firelord can take over the world! As his friends learn to master their respective elements, Aang as the Avatar has to learn to master all four: water, fire, earth, and air!

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