September 22, 2022, marks the equinox. This is the point in the year where there’s an even amount of daylight and night. Whether you are experiencing the changing colors and colder temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere or the budding blooms and warmer temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere, the equinox beckons us to consider the inevitable cycles of life making room to appreciate what we have harvested thus far while making space for the new.
The Meaning of the Equinox
Read More »It is at the equinox that we are the most aware of nature’s changing seasons. In the Northern Hemisphere move inward as we experience the beginning of cold weather while those in the Southern Hemisphere venture outside to welcome the warmth and newness of warm weather.
What makes the equinox so special is the understanding of balance. No one is just one thing. Everything is a mixture of both light and dark. Duality is part of this lived experience as clear as the daylight and nighttime that we experience each day. It is at the equinox that we are encouraged to make space to acknowledge and honor this energy.
Aligning With Natural Cycles
The equinox aligns us with natural cycles. As humans, many of us live against the natural cycles. It is at the equinox that we are all called to stop and honor nature and its changes. Even if we don’t want the weather to cool down, in comes autumn introducing cooler weather and fallen leaves. Even if we’re not ready for warmer weather, the equinox brings in budding trees and warmer temperatures. We humans have to adjust. We don’t control nature.
The equinoxes are a shift that requires change, and in acknowledging this change, we are beckoned to make space to align ourselves with gratitude for all that we have experienced and all that is to come.
The Balance Between Dark & Light
The old metaphysical axiom “as above, so below, as within, so without” represents the changing energy of the equinox. The balance of light and dark is seen through nature, but it is also experienced by us in very personal ways. At this time there is the opportunity to genuinely appreciate the polarities in ourselves. From the masculine to the feminine, the dark and the light, the cool and the warm, all of it makes us who we are.
One of the greatest aspects of the equinox is reverence for not only the light within us but also the shadow self. The sign of Virgo teaches us how to move from perfection to wholeness, and as the sun moves into Libra at the equinox we get a better understanding of why it is important t be whole.
In being whole, we can embrace all parts of ourselves. The equinox reminds us that that balance of the self creates peace and harmony within nature and within ourselves. It is through the integration of opposites that we can achieve external and internal equilibrium.

The Equinox & The Sun in Libra
It is no coincidence that the equinox coincides with the sun’s transit of the balanced, harmony-seeking sign of Libra. Represented by the scales, Libra is constantly balancing itself in relation to others. At this time, we are called to consider our relationship with ourselves as it determines our relationship with others. Libra energy is governed by Venus, the planet of beauty where symmetry and balance are represented by the equality of dark and light at the equinox.
During the next 30 days as the sun transits Libra, we are encouraged to notice how we approach relationships. Do we compromise equally or are we prone to putting ourselves on the back burner in order to maintain relationships? Do we embody the Libra expression of tact in an effort to be nice at the expense of being honest?
Are we willing to have an honest discussion or do we resort to passive aggressiveness because we don’t want to offend? Likewise, leveraging dark and light resonates with Libra’s well-known trait of indecision. This shouldn’t come as a surprise because after all the equinox is about harnessing the energies of light and darkness. How can we choose when we need both to be whole?
Libra brings us into the space of considering how we balance the authenticity of ourselves in our relationship with others. The equinox and Libra energies remind us that if we do not have peace, harmony, and balance within ourselves it may not be possible for us to have in relation to others. Balance and equilibrium start within.

A Time of Harvest & Gratitude
The equinox is a time of harvest. This is a time when we see the results of seeds planted at an earlier time. To further understand the significance of the equinox and the harvest, it’s important to note that the full moon before the equinox is considered the harvest moon as traditionally this is the moon that provides the most light for farmers to gather crops before the onset of cooler weather in the Northern Hemisphere.
This is a good time to consider the seeds that we have planted and what we have achieved up to this point. The equinox reminds us that we really do reap what we have sown. This is where gratitude and awareness of our actions are acknowledged. Where we stand at the equinox is a result of what we have done. Those who are content are likely to express gratitude. Those who are not content with what they have sown can use the changing energy of the equinox to make changes and plant new seeds to bloom at the next equinox in the Spring.
Even if we haven’t reaped a plentiful harvest, there is still space to practice gratitude. It is through practicing gratitude that we are able to create more abundance in our lives. While we hold gratitude, the energy of the equinox encourages us to release all that is no longer needed in order to make space for the new. Yes, the seasons are changing. As the leaves fall from the trees, we embrace the cooler weather while appreciating all that warmer weather offered us. No matter where we the equinox reminds us that there’s always something to be grateful for.
Ways to Celebrate the Fall Equinox
To genuinely honor the fall equinox, here are some suggestions for celebrating the change of the seasons.
1. Get Out and Enjoy Nature. The equinoxes represent a shift in seasons, so make space to bring in cooler weather in the Northern Hemisphere and warmer weather in the Southern hemisphere. Embrace the natural cycles of life.
2. Let it Go. Nothing stays the same forever. Take time to consider what no longer is necessary. Embrace the cardinal, changeable energy of the equinox and Libra by letting go of what no longer fits in order to achieve peace, harmony, and balance.
3. Clear Space. Prepare for the change in seasons with a thorough cleaning. This is an excellent time to bring new energy into our personal spaces. Bring out weather-appropriate clothing. Decorate your home to honor the new season with darker colors for the fall in the Northern Hemisphere and lighter colors for the Spring in the Southern Hemisphere.
4. Cleanse Yourself. Many people honor the equinox by balancing the mind, body, and spirit with a cleansing, healing bath. Soak in an herbal bath or Epsom salts to flush the body of impurities and prepare yourself for the seasonal shifts.
5. Journal Your Gratitude. Make space to appreciate where you are. Stop and be in the moment. This is an excellent time to purchase a brand new journal where you can express your gratitude for life.
Ultimately, the equinox is a spiritually significant time that calls us to find peace, harmony and balance internally and externally. It is important to honor the duality of equal parts dark and light while making the necessary shifts and changes within ourselves to create equilibrium. Hold gratitude for all that we have while releasing what is no longer needed in order to make space for the new. The equinox reminds us that change is inevitable and welcome.