On December 12, 2020, transiting Chiron goes direct in the sign of Aries. Chiron is an asteroid that represents our woundedness that we can turn into great wisdom for ourselves and others. In the fiery, innovative sign of Aries, it is important that we focus on who we are as individuals and the woundedness that is experienced around our identities.
Who exactly are we? Why were we born? Why are we here? These are just a few questions that could come up during the Chiron in Aries transit for us to address. Many fear addressing their wounds because they are afraid of what may come up to be addressed. However, it is important to understand that Chiron transits offer us the opportunity to face those deep-seated wounds so that we can be our best selves. Chiron will remain in Aries until April 2027.
Read More »The Chironic Journey
Understanding the story of Chiron is important to integrate the lessons associated with the Chiron in Aries transit. In Greek mythology, Chiron was an immortal centaur, half-man/half-horse, who was known for being a wise and great healer. Legend has it that Chiron was accidentally shot in the knee by the warrior Hercules with a venomous poisoned arrow. The arrow was infused with the venom of the deadly Hydra monster causing severe, incurable pain to those unfortunate to be wounded by them. Although Chiron was a great, wise healer, he could not heal himself from the painful wounding caused by the arrow. Hercules, feeling quite regretful for the accidental pain that he inflicted upon Chiron, went to Zeus, the king of the Gods, to make a deal to relieve Chiron from his pain. Chiron made a deal to give up his immortality in order to end his pain. In turn, Zeus placed Chiron as a constellation in the sky…known as Centaurus…also known as Sagittarius.
The story of Chiron’s wounding speaks of someone that is wounded through no fault of his/her own. Also, while Chiron was able to heal others, the accidental wound was something that he simply could not heal himself. Thus, he was willing to sacrifice his own life in order to rid himself of the unbearable pain of the incurable wound. The Chironic journey involves the acknowledgment of the wound that has always been there. It is the wound that lies dormant yet still causes an incessant ache. It is through recognizing and tending to the wound that we are able to heal ourselves and assist others in their healing journeys. Chiron was a great teacher, and there are knowledge and wisdom that we can offer others when we first seek to heal our own wounds.
Chiron’s Path to Healing
Chiron’s position in the zodiac is important in understanding its role in the healing process. Chiron orbits between the planets Saturn and Uranus. Saturn offers us lessons and solid growth and maturity if we are willing to put in the work. Uranus offers us freedom and liberation only after we have learned the important lessons of taking responsibility and accountability for our lives as demonstrated by Saturn. In the middle lies Chiron with its woundedness. In order to obtain the freedom we desire via Uranus; it is important to address the wounds that keep us bogged down in a state of despair and pain.
Likewise, Chiron’s position between Saturn and Uranus also grants us the opportunity to become the “wounded healer.” Through embracing the responsibility of acknowledging and addressing our wounds, we can heal ourselves. Upon healing ourselves, we can take the knowledge we have gained and offer healing to the collective via the Uranian energy. In many ways, our woundedness serves as a path back to ourselves. Once we have committed to the Chironic journey of self-healing, we gain the ability to turn our woundedness into a higher purpose that can assist others on their paths to healing.
Chiron in Aries-The “I Am” Wounding
With Chiron in Aries currently moving direct, we are being guided to move forward in understanding the wounds associated with our existence. Aries is the first sign that is marked by fiery change energy. In Aries, we are born. We have left the oneness of the womb, the oneness of everything in the sign of Pisces, to be born in the physical world as an individual. We are all first in our own worlds, and it is important to understand this to grasp the lessons of the Chiron in Aries transit.
Although we are individuals, that does not mean that we know who we are. Chiron in Aries will bring up issues related to our identities that when addressed will allow us to embrace our existence in an honest manner. Although we are born, most if not all of us are imprinted with the thoughts and beliefs of our families and the societies that we are born into. Few of us actually get the chance to decide who or what we are from a secure place. We are born into our environments, and those circumstances shape us for better or worse.
With Chiron in Aries, there is the opportunity to face the wounding around our identity. This will require the fearlessness of Aries as we will be asked to question everything that we thought we were. Are we really who we think we are? How did we become who we are now? Do we even know who we are? Why are we even here in this physical experience? The process of self-identification is both illuminating and confusing as it prompts us to question everything that we think we are in order to heal the wounds of our existence.
Navigating Chiron in Aries
With Chiron in Aries, if we want to heal, we have to be willing to face the wounds surrounding our existence. We are all here for a reason…a purpose. Many of us are on autopilot merely living with no connection to who we are because we don’t know who we are. It’s hard to identify with ourselves when we have never truly taken the space to simply be. Aries is energy in motion. It acts…for itself. Not for others. With Aries, there is no compromise. There is no reconciling. There is simply being oneself.
With the Chiron in Aries transit, it is time for us to simply be, and many of us will have to go through the painful process of challenging everything we thought we were in order to get to who we truly are. This is the healing process. This is Chiron acting as the connector between the accountability and responsibility of Saturn and the freedom of owning and sharing our true identities with others that are granted through the energy of Uranus.
This existence is about each of us as individuals being who we are. When we are able to embrace ourselves authentically, we are able to interact with others honestly. It is time to release the facades and figure out who we are. It is time to accept responsibility for being born and take action to become who we are.
Chiron in Aries reminds us that we are born into this experience to be ourselves. It is only through being ourselves that we can have life experiences that are filled with purpose. It is time to heal the wound surrounding being born, forming an identity, and living in alignment with our purpose.
Who are we and why are we here? The transit of Chiron in Aries will help us heal our woundedness so that we can be whole unto ourselves and offer this wholeness to others.