It’s not your fault. The poor circulation, the horrible posture, and the low heart rate have nothing to do with you and everything to do with the chair that you have to sit in all day. Quarantine has forced thousands of people to work from home and led them to think they have to sit at a desk all day. Have you or somebody you know recently switched to working from home? What if there was a way that you could have it all? What if you could work at your desk and improve your circulation, posture, and heart rate?
A standing desk is the best solution to improve your health while working at home. If you or somebody you know is working from home and has to sit at a desk all day – a standing desk makes the perfect gift! Amazon has hundreds of them, and we’ve narrowed down the best ones according to size, capacity, and components.
Read More »1. Most Versatile: FlexiSpot M2B Standing Desk Converter
The FlexiSpot is rated, on Amazon, as the most versatile standing desk. With the ability to hold 35 lbs. and measuring 35” long, this standing desk is up for the challenge. Already have a desk and not wanting to purchase a new one? No problem! The Flexispot, once assembled, sits on top of your desk.
The desk offers smooth up and down transitions, which include twelve height adjustment settings. According to customers, this desk is easy to assemble and sets on top of your working space. The only downfall is that once assembled it can be hard to move, so make sure you assemble the desk where you plan to work. Overall, this versatile standing desk would make the perfect gift for somebody who works from home.
FlexiSpot M2B Standing Desk Converter
Straight Up & Down Movement - Our space-saving workstation rises and folds vertically, within its own footprint. There's no need to make the spatial accommodations that may be required with comparable products. View Deal2. Best Electronic Standing Desk: Seville Classics Airlife Pro S3 54”
The Seville Classics Airlife Pro, equipped with powerful, quiet electric motors, move the legs to fit your perfect height. The legs extend from 25.6” to 51.4”, and you can store up to 4 height settings in the remote for consistent control of your desk while you work. The top of the desk measures 54”, which gives you plenty of working space to fit all your working materials. Amazon customers love how sturdy the desk is and how it is perfect for tall people.
If you’re struggling to find a desk that will match your height, look no more. Adjust the control for an hour of standing and then adjust it back for an hour of sitting. With this desk, your options are endless.
Seville Classics AIRLIFT Pro
QUIET DUAL MOTORS - Rise higher and go lower with the AIRLIFT S3! Elevate to 51. 4 inches high and descend as low as 25. 6 inches at a quick and quiet 1. 5 inches per second. View Deal3. Best Gas-Spring: Seville Classics Airlift Adjustable Stand Up Desk Converter/Riser
Why should you choose a gas-spring desk? The mechanics of a gas-spring desk allow it to store energy and withstand external force. This desk can handle your mouse, keyboard, and up to two monitors – a total of 33 lbs.! The built-in stand ensures you can see your notebook, tablet, or other smart devices while you work. This desk is easy to assemble and sits on top of your working space. Amazon customers love how sturdy this desk is and the amount of workspace they have.
If you wish to opt for the electric version, the motor will adjust your desk to match your perfect height. The electric version also comes equipped with a built-in USB charging port for your convenience. This desk would make the perfect gift for anybody who is stuck working at home and wants to improve their health!
Seville Classics airLIFT
INSTANT SIT-STAND ADJUSTMENT - Effortless Pneumatic Vertical Adjustment transition from 5.9 inches to 19.7 inches. Desk lifts up to 33 lbs. evenly distributed across the top. Rise higher than the average standing desk View Deal4. Most Mobile: AIZ Mobile Standing Desk
Desk on wheels?! The AIZ Mobile Standing Desk has smooth-moving wheels that make this desk easy to move, even on the carpet! With a working space of 39”, you will have no problem fitting all of your working materials. This desk is perfect for anybody who needs a mobile desk. Work from your living room, move it into the kitchen, and then take it into the bedroom. Amazon customers love how versatile this desk is and appreciate the range of height this desk offers (29” to 47”).
Plus, this desk has an 80lb. capacity. For a mobile desk, that’s impressive! This desk would make a great gift for anybody who is currently fighting the effects of sitting at their desk all day.
5. Most Affordable: Perlegear Standing Desk Converter
This standing desk converter is perfect to fit your budget. The best part is that it has most of the features the more expensive desks have. The pressure handle and gas spring riser give you a 1.8″ to 16.1″ height adjustment range. With a 28.3″ workspace and 22lbs of capacity, this is the perfect desk to hold your laptop and notebooks.
The Perlegear desk, not made for heavy-duty work (more than one computer), has Amazon customers loving how this desk is affordable and sits on top of their working space. Plus, when compacted, the desk weighs only 22 lbs., making it easy for anybody to move.
Standing Desk Converter with Height Adjustable
SIT TO STAND: Perlegear adjustable workstation allows you to find the healthy balance between sitting and standing at the office. With a gas spring, you can adjust your desk riser from 1.8 View Deal6. Largest Working Space: Stand Steady Tranzendesk 55 Inch Standing Desk
We understand that some people need extra room on their desk. This desk is extra tall and spacious and can adjust up to 46″ – perfect for tall people! The 70lb. capacity makes it ideal for somebody who has to work with up to 3 monitors. Amazon customers love how easy this desk was to assemble and how sturdy it is. This desk would make the perfect gift for somebody who has a heavy workload.
Stand Steady Tranzendesk 55
Featuring an all-new sleek and durable design with a height adjustable crank that can attach to either side of the desktop, the Tranzendesk is the perfect ergonomic solution for wherever you work! View Deal7. Most Basic: Amazon Basics Adjustable Laptop Table
If you’re looking for just a basic table, Amazon Basics has you covered. This laptop table is portable and adjustable. Weighing only 4lbs, you can take this table anywhere you want to work. Set it on your desk, move it to the kitchen table, or take it outside. Wherever you prefer to work, this table can go with you. The top measures 23.6″ long and hold a capacity of 17lbs.
Amazon customers love how portable this laptop table is. And for being a little guy, customers are raving about how sturdy it is. If you or somebody you know prefers to keep things simple, this desk would be the perfect option!
AmazonBasics Adjustable
Large laptop table creates a sturdy, user-friendly work surface for laptops and more View DealAll over the world, people are working from home now more than ever. Working from home should not harm our health. To avoid the negative effects of sitting at a desk all day, purchase a standing desk this year. Give somebody the gift of better circulation, better posture, and a better heart rate.