
Imitation – Using Your Life to Honor God

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Anyone who either has children or has been around them will understand imitation. Children long to be just like the special people in their lives. You may find your little girl putting on lipstick in the bathroom or wearing your high-heels. She wants to be just like her mommy, whom she finds beautiful. Young boys often hammer anything in view to “fix” things like their daddies. They look up to how fathers seem to be able to fix anything and want to be a hero just like their dads.

Children mimic your adult behavior because they love, respect, and admire you. They want to behave the way that you do because they think the world of you. It’s heartwarming and flattering, too, to have a little one think of you that way. Do you offer the same good feelings to God?

A Time of Thanksgiving

In this upcoming season, most of us pause to think of all the things for which we are thankful. The thought of all that the Father has done for each of us is pretty overwhelming. God created this beautiful world for us. He blessed us with companionship both from other humans and even animals. He surrounded us with all that we need. He painted our world with nature for nourishment, health, and pure beauty.

He sent His only son, who is perfect and holy, to die a death on a cross for all our sins. He delivered the Holy Spirit to live in us so that we do not walk alone. And all He asks in return is our belief and trust in Him and his son and He will give us eternal life in Heaven.

What can you possibly do to show your full thankfulness to such a loving God? There are a few things that make Him smile:

  • Worship – sing to the Lord! A great radio station can really help you connect with the Lord throughout the day as you sing along.
  • Be a part of a church community – Yes, your personal relationship with Christ is what grants you salvation. Consider the pandemic, however, and you will quickly recognize that we do not function at our best when we live in isolation. Christ explains that the body has many parts (1 Corinthians 12). A healthy believer strives to help the entire body remain healthy. That means living with and for people other than ourselves.
  • Pray – Talk to Him! It’s one of the basic requirements for any earthly relationship. If you want a strong relationship with God, you have to be in touch with Him, too.
  • Mimic Him! Think of young children. They do not imitate those whom they do not love. They act like you because they love you. Show God you love Him by acting like Him!

Imitating God

Your actions have the potential to honor God. This gives purpose to the saying that was popular on wristbands and posters in the 90’s: What Would Jesus Do?

We act like Jesus because it honors Jesus. He came to this earth and experienced what we experience so that He could serve as a role model for us. He felt pain, he experienced heartbreak, and he suffered death; but He never sinned. He showed us how to stand tall in a broken world. The Bible offers numerous illustrations of Jesus’ behavior and examples of Jesus’ words to guide us.

When you spend time reading the Bible and trying to follow its words, you are showing God how thankful you are for what He has done and what He promises to continue doing for you. You express your sincere respect and admiration for Him when you attempt to be like Him.



You are not a distant God. Thank You for Your son, Jesus. He is a relevant example of how You expect me to live. I am not perfect like Jesus, but I still want to try to be like Him. Your word offers us so many examples of how You want us to live. Guide me in studying Your word. Open my eyes to where I can grow and be more like You. I want my life to be a living sign of thanksgiving for all You are. You are amazing, God!

In Jesus’ name,


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