
Salvation For All Who Believe in Our Lord

3 Mins read

Our Present World

Our current times include some pretty scary things: a global pandemic, unemployment, racial tension, terrorism, and extreme political polarization. It is easy to become anxious. It is easy to lose hope. That is why we see opioid epidemics and suicide rates climbing. The world is a scary place!

Our Past

None of these trials is new. People suffered from these things and many more in Biblical times, as well. There were famines, plagues, sickness, rioting, political upheaval, and death then as well. Our Savior even suffered sin and death for us.

Our Future

With these facts in mind, it may be confusing to read that God’s people could walk through water and not drown. They could face fire and not be scorched (Isaiah 43:2). Where is that promise today, God? People are hurting! People are dying! As believers, though, we must remember that our hope is not in our temporary worldly things. Our hope and our eternal future are with Christ in heaven.

Hard Truths

The fact of the matter is, each of us will face death. It may be because of a global virus, or it may happen 60 years from now in our sleep, but none of us will live on Earth forever. Our promise of an eternal life is in heaven. That means we may suffer while here on Earth. Our time will come to an end.

Technically, eternal life is a guarantee for everyone. Unbelievers, though, will spend that eternity in hell. God will welcome only those who believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and accept Him as their personal Savior. That does not mean that if you go to church, you are saved. It doesn’t mean that if you live a good life, you are saved. You must commit your heart to Christ. It is not an outward expression of faith such as good deeds, church attendance, tithing, mindless repetition of hymns or prayers, and going through the motions of religious traditions. It is an internal submission to Christ. This may raise concern for your own destiny, or it may cause you to worry about your neighbor, your friend, or even a family member! Given our current beliefs, we may not see each other again one day, unless, that is, we all believe.

The Good News

Now for the happy part. You can change all that. If you have never given yourself to Christ, today is the day. If you already have, resubmit to Him today. Reaffirm your trust, obedience, and love to a Father who would give His perfect son to die for you and your sins.

Don’t stop there. Reach out to those around you. A little discomfort with a tough conversation is worth eternal life in heaven.

Then, find peace in the current chaos. Be still and know that God is in control. He is working all things for His ultimate good purpose. He promises to put an end to all things evil. All you have to do is believe and the Kingdom is yours.


Merciful Father,
I confess that I am a sinner and need your saving grace. I believe that you came to Earth through your holy son Jesus. He was perfect, but he suffered on the cross, died, and descended into hell. Praise to you for bearing my sins so that I may have the promise of eternal life with You. I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. This foreshadows my own resurrection one day. While I will pass away and return to the dust from which I came, I will also rise to be with You one day. Fill my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my King.

I ask that you also keep knocking on the hearts of my loved ones. If they do not yet know you the way that I know you, I pray that they will soon hear Your voice and submit to You. I want to see them again one day in heaven, and I know that the only way to heaven is through You, Jesus. Give me the courage to speak to them about Your good news. Speak through me, Holy Spirit. Shine through me and guide me to spread Your love so that people may become curious and wonder what makes me glow with peace.
I ask these things in Jesus’ name,


Romans 5:1-11

Romans 6:23

Romans 8:38-39

Romans 10:9-13

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